The combines are starting to go great guns. The dust from the soybean chaff going through the combine makes it look like the dust bowl sometimes. I haven't asked DS how they're running; he runs a combine for the neighbor. The SU gets called into action too; today he was running a grain cart and filling the semis when they came to the field.
I like the smell in the air after the combine has gone through the corn; it's just so "fresh" and earthy.
I heard rumblings of rain tomorrow; we don't need it now to slow down harvest. Days have been really nice, and the nights about 50. No frost in the forecast yet, but I'm sure it's coming before any of us are ready. I've started brutally pruning stuff before i take it to the g'house. I think if I didn't take bathroom or lunch breaks, I could get it all hauled in with the loader tractor in 2 days. That's if I had everything pruned. I'll need to dig up my 9 brugs I have planted in the ground. I know THAT will be like digging graves, they got pretty big. I'll put the photo here so you can see.