Hello Cinda, perhaps you might consider that the chances for your tubers freeze in the ground are very low when the first frosts arrive. The soil is quite warm from the summer temperatures. In soil temperature graphs the peaks in the upper foot or so, are surprisingly in fall rather than summer, because soil temperature keeps building up.. the coldest temps only in early spring. The idea of helping the tuber develop their next years buds in the ground as they probably did originally in nature in their high altitude native Mexico, is something I had overlooked and I'm very grateful for Frank's advice. I also lift my tubers although I tend to have milder winters., but some may be unexpectedly cold and if I left my tubers in the ground I learnt by the hard way, they are gone. Here in the southern hemisphere we are planting our dahlias. I start them indoors in pots and move them out in about a month's time. Yesterday I finished potting all of mine. All the best Arturo