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Nov 2, 2015 12:41 AM CST
Thread OP
Quartz Hill, CA (Zone 8b)
Hi everyone, 
I'm new here and this is my first season of gardening. I have a handful of things to trade for any iris. I love tall bearded iris, regular iris, all iris, and really need water/bog iris. I would love to get any all kinds and colors of iris named, noid, or unknown to trade or postage. I also have Better Homes and Gardens magazine vouchers 1 year each to trade with(have a good amount to work with, no exp date). So please email me anytime and hope to hear from other's soon
Thank you very much 
Nov 2, 2015 12:50 AM CST
Name: Mary Ann
Western Kentucky (Zone 7a)
Bee Lover Irises Hummingbirder Hostas Keeps Horses Farmer
Daylilies I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Container Gardener Cat Lover Region: Kentucky Birds
Hi Lisa. Welcome! to our Forum.

The folks here are very generous with shares of their Irises -- but you're kind of late in the season for anyone to be digging now. Most trading (and selling) takes place from May through Sept./Oct.

However -- never know til you ask!! Green Grin!
Thoughts become things -- choose the good ones. (
Avatar for Lisasgardens
Nov 3, 2015 8:47 PM CST
Thread OP
Quartz Hill, CA (Zone 8b)
Thank You!
For the information on trading and or selling. I really appreciate it.
Nov 4, 2015 3:31 AM CST
Name: John
Kansas City,MO (Zone 6a)
Composter Region: Missouri Plays in the sandbox Enjoys or suffers cold winters
Good morning Lisa. I am also a "new kid" on the block, so welcome. Spend some time reading the threads and you can get a pretty good idea on how things work. The folks here are very generous, I already have a couple "for postage" offers. These guys even send boxes to each other! Most of this seems to happen late summer.

So hang around and have fun.
When they call the roll in the Senate, the Senators do not know whether to answer 'Present' or 'Not guilty.' Theodore Roosevelt
Nov 4, 2015 11:55 AM CST
Name: Jan Wax
Mendocino County, N. CA (Zone 9a)
I'm a semi-retired studio potter.
Irises Hummingbirder Hellebores Organic Gardener Dog Lover Daylilies
Region: Ukraine Region: California Dahlias Garden Art Cat Lover Vegetable Grower
Yes, it's late in the season, but I see you're in CA, Lisa . Smiling
We may have water problems, but not frozen water!
Nov 4, 2015 2:54 PM CST
South central PA (Zone 6a)
Irises Region: Pennsylvania
Welcome Lisa.
For sure your garden will grow very well come next season. Maybe in your area planting iris this late in the year will work, but not in most of the US and Canada. So most trades, for postage, etc. are in the April-August months. Just remember to post this then as a reminder to all of us.
Nov 6, 2015 6:39 PM CST
Name: Cleta
Idaho Falls Idaho (Zone 4a)
Irises Lilies Region: Idaho
Welcome Lisa, I used to live in Tehachapi, just up the mountain, kind of, from Quartz Hill. Follow earlier advice and your garden will grow
Nov 7, 2015 6:26 AM CST
Name: Richard
Joshua Tree (Zone 9a)
Birds Herbs Irises Ponds Plant and/or Seed Trader
Welcome Lisa, I have been here for a few months and have learned some things while here.
Avatar for Lisasgardens
Nov 8, 2015 2:21 AM CST
Thread OP
Quartz Hill, CA (Zone 8b)
Thank you all for your advice and help. Yes here it not to late plus we are in a drought.
I will repost in the right months for most.

Yes my neighbor works as a sherif in
Tehachapi everyday. Great area to go dirt biking in too.

Thanks again to all
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