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Nov 4, 2015 8:52 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Eileen Baney
Crestview Florida (Zone 8b)
Region: Florida
Hi there,

Fairly new to this website and I just recently have acquired some above succulents and would love to get to know them better and hopefully expand my collection later on.

Nov 6, 2015 4:57 AM CST
Name: Kate
Holmes Beach, FL (Zone 10a)
Not all those who wander are lost.
Bromeliad Cactus and Succulents Region: Florida Foliage Fan Orchids Organic Gardener
Plant and/or Seed Trader Tropicals Xeriscape
I'm growing several of each:

Stapelia leendertziae
Stapelia gigantea
Stapelia paniculata

Edithcolea grandis

Carralluma schweinfurthii

Huernia confusa
huernia schneideriana

I think that's it!
"A garden isn't meant to be useful. It's for joy." - Rumer Godden
Nov 6, 2015 12:33 PM CST
Name: 'CareBear'

Amaryllis Cactus and Succulents Dog Lover Hostas Irises Region: Pennsylvania
Yes, yes, and yes. I got hooked on these guys a few years ago. Bob Smoley carries a lot and so does Miles to Go. Also some rare ones on Ebay. For every two I purchase I loose one. Winter time is my worse time. My first ones was Stap. gigantea. It is a good grower and had much success with it. I just though the others would be just as hardy. Nope. Some I better not cross my eyes to look at. My most success was on Huernia seedlings from ebay. Seems they have a stronger will to live.

Thumb of 2015-11-06/Stush2019/dda146

A very good grower and blooms for several months;

With such colorful stems, who needs flowers?
Thumb of 2015-11-06/Stush2019/ff818a

Grew well all thru summer but I must watch and keep warmer.
Thumb of 2015-11-06/Stush2019/386f3c

Nice red flowers and would you believe a whole branch broke off and two weeks had fully rooted. Again one that grew great in summer but got to watch during winter.
Thumb of 2015-11-06/Stush2019/54aa51

Last, my first Stapelia. It hasn't bloomed for the last several years now. Unknow why.

Nov 6, 2015 8:36 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Eileen Baney
Crestview Florida (Zone 8b)
Region: Florida
I have the following:
huernia zebrina
huernia stapelioides - small
orbea variegata
tromotriche longii
stapelia gigantia
stapelia grandiflora
I have looked at both websites and have a list of my "wants" but holding off ordering as it is getting colder and I want to make sure I can get what I have survive this year. It will be my first year growing them and first winter so I want to make sure I wont kill them ;-)Would you guys be interested in swap/trades in Spring perhaps? I found it is the inexpensive way to extend the collection.
Nov 7, 2015 1:05 PM CST
Name: 'CareBear'

Amaryllis Cactus and Succulents Dog Lover Hostas Irises Region: Pennsylvania
Come spring/summer when I take them all outside, I'll let you know. Got to see myself what grew and what died. Some are only 1 inch tall with little roots. Some may not make it.
My list so far;
Huernia bayeri
Huernia hystrix
Huernia keniensis BARAD
Huernia oculata Cat. # 8187
Huernia oculata Cat. # 9495
Huernia qunta
Huernia saudiar-abica
Huernia Saudiarabica X H. Zebrina Magniflora
Huernia somalica Hybrids
Huernia zebrina

Hoodia gordonii
xLuckhoffia buekmannii (= x Hoodiapelia buekmannii)
Hoodia officinalis aka Trichocaulon officinalis

Stapelia asterias
Stapelia 'Berlinensis'
Stapelia desmetiana
Stapelia flavirostris
Stapelia flavopurpurea
Stapelia Gariepensis
Stapelia gettleffii
Stapelia Gigantea
Stapelia grandiflora
Stapelia grandiflora (lt. purple)
Stapelia grandiflora (lt. red)
Stapelia hirsuta Mitchell's Pass
Stapelia hirsutis
Stapelia leendertziae
Stapelia obducta Cockscomb
Stapelia olivacea
Stapelia Unicornis

Orbea dummeri
Orbea lutea ssp. vaga
Orbea paradoxa
Orbea melanantha
Orbea albocastanea
Orbia semitubiflora
Orbea variegated
Orbea schweinfurthii

Caralluma europeae
Caralluma hexagona

Tavaresia Barklyi X Obea var. 'Purple Nurple'
Duvalia sulcata ssp. Seminude
Echidnopsis Cereiformis
Echidnopsis archeri
Echidnopsis squamulata
Piaranthus cornutus
Nov 7, 2015 9:28 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Eileen Baney
Crestview Florida (Zone 8b)
Region: Florida
Stush your collections is amazing! I just started and so far have 3 stapelias, 2 huernias and 1 orbea. Do you only collect these or you do have other plants you go crazy about ;-) I am also into passionflowers and hoyas.
Nov 8, 2015 3:13 PM CST
Name: 'CareBear'

Amaryllis Cactus and Succulents Dog Lover Hostas Irises Region: Pennsylvania
Do you know Hoyas are in the same family as stapeliads. All in the Asclepiads group like my Butterfly Weed I also grow. And to answer you question; Sansevieria (snake plant) are my first love. I currently have 45 or so different kind. Also Agave's, Aloes, Euphorbias, Haworthia and hybrids with aloe, and echevierias. and a few odd balls here and there.
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