Yes, yes, and yes. I got hooked on these guys a few years ago. Bob Smoley carries a lot and so does Miles to Go. Also some rare ones on Ebay. For every two I purchase I loose one. Winter time is my worse time. My first ones was Stap. gigantea. It is a good grower and had much success with it. I just though the others would be just as hardy. Nope. Some I better not cross my eyes to look at. My most success was on Huernia seedlings from ebay. Seems they have a stronger will to live.
A very good grower and blooms for several months;
With such colorful stems, who needs flowers?
Grew well all thru summer but I must watch and keep warmer.
Nice red flowers and would you believe a whole branch broke off and two weeks had fully rooted. Again one that grew great in summer but got to watch during winter.
Last, my first Stapelia. It hasn't bloomed for the last several years now. Unknow why.