Free Mini-Greenhouse and Plant Tags

By Guybo
November 6, 2015

Recycling is something we should all do. Here it performs a useful purpose and costs us nothing.

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Nov 6, 2015 10:59 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: Lynn
Oregon City, OR (Zone 8b)
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A great reminder on how to use items in our gardens. Love it.

I also use the gallon milk jugs for mini green houses and can start seeds in Feb by using them.
Nov 7, 2015 6:56 AM CST
Name: Carol H. Sandt
Lancaster County, Pennsylvania (Zone 6b)
Annuals Roses Peonies Region: Pennsylvania Region: Mid-Atlantic Hostas
Growing under artificial light Foliage Fan Daylilies Butterflies Bookworm Aroids
I have used Sharpie UV resistant markers to make labels on 12-inch sections of 1/2-inch PVC pipe and found that the writing fades in sunlight within a year so that it is impossible to read. Does the writing produced by a Sharpie last longer on the plastic of water bottles?
Avatar for jpro9173
Nov 7, 2015 7:55 AM CST

Go to the craft stores and buy the Sharpie OIL BASED paint pens. They are similar to the regular sharpies in looks and use but last much longer. I gave up on the regular Sharpies years ago because the so called "Permanent" was negligible outdoors and the writing washed away too quickly. The oil based are legible after several years outdoors.
Avatar for peoneylover
Nov 7, 2015 11:26 AM CST

Nov 8, 2015 7:06 AM CST
Name: Anna Z.
Monroe, WI
Charter ATP Member Greenhouse Cat Lover Raises cows Region: Wisconsin
Better yet, if you have a farm supply store close to you, get the marker pen used for cattle tags. I had tags in cows that were 7-8 years old and they were still readable after being out in snow, rain, heat and cold. The brand name of mine is the Allflex tag pen.
Nov 9, 2015 6:43 AM CST
Name: Guybo
Blenheim, Ontario (Zone 5b)
Daylilies Region: Canadian Farmer Hybridizer Hostas Hummingbirder
Butterflies Seller of Garden Stuff Plant and/or Seed Trader Garden Ideas: Level 1

We have used Sharpie UV resistant markers to make labels on 12-inch sections of 1/2-inch PVC pipe and found that the writing fades in sunlight within a year so that it is impossible to read. Does the writing produced by a Sharpie last longer on the plastic of water bottles?

Yes, we have found most pens to fade quickly. Some of our garden centres carry a pen called "Planters Pride". We find this one to last 2 or 4 years - dependent on exposure. For seedlings, we place the tags not quite vertical (name facing down some) and with the writing on the north side. Using this down and north method, we get 4 years out of a tag. By then, the seedling has shown itself with blooms, and we have made the keep/not keep decision and no longer need a tag, or have made a permanent one.

However, I've gotta try AnnaZ's pen.

May the blooms be with you!

Nov 9, 2015 7:31 AM CST
Name: Anna Z.
Monroe, WI
Charter ATP Member Greenhouse Cat Lover Raises cows Region: Wisconsin
If you don't have a farm supply store near, you could try a catalogue. NASCO farm supply might have it, I didn't check. I get mine at Farm and Fleet.
Nov 9, 2015 7:33 AM CST
Name: Anna Z.
Monroe, WI
Charter ATP Member Greenhouse Cat Lover Raises cows Region: Wisconsin
Just checked..............they do have it.
Nov 9, 2015 5:08 PM CST
Name: Carol H. Sandt
Lancaster County, Pennsylvania (Zone 6b)
Annuals Roses Peonies Region: Pennsylvania Region: Mid-Atlantic Hostas
Growing under artificial light Foliage Fan Daylilies Butterflies Bookworm Aroids
Thank you so much, Anna Z, for the suggestion to look for an Allflex tag pen and even finding an online supplier. Today I stopped at Holtwood Supply, my local Amish farm supply store and learned that they stock the Allflex tag pen, but it is currently out of stock. They expect more by this weekend, so I hope to get it there. If not, I will get it from NASCO.
Nov 9, 2015 5:16 PM CST
Name: Anna Z.
Monroe, WI
Charter ATP Member Greenhouse Cat Lover Raises cows Region: Wisconsin
CS, if you can get it locally, you at least won't have to pay shipping. They are great. They come with 2 different "tips". I use the one with the pointed end because it makes nicer "writing" and easier to read. You just have to remember to put the cap on so it doesn't dry out. I've never had one dry out, but I used mine quite a bit when I had to make calf tags. I've got a couple of them now and they still work.
Nov 14, 2015 7:36 AM CST
Name: Carol H. Sandt
Lancaster County, Pennsylvania (Zone 6b)
Annuals Roses Peonies Region: Pennsylvania Region: Mid-Atlantic Hostas
Growing under artificial light Foliage Fan Daylilies Butterflies Bookworm Aroids
I am now the happy owner of two Allflex tag pens thanks to AnnaZ for recommending them and Holtwood Supply for stocking them!
Nov 14, 2015 7:40 AM CST
Name: Anna Z.
Monroe, WI
Charter ATP Member Greenhouse Cat Lover Raises cows Region: Wisconsin
You got 2???? Holy moses, that will last you through your 9th life. I made LOTS of cattle tags, writing on both sides and over the years I think I only used about 3. LOL
Nov 14, 2015 7:44 AM CST
Name: Carol H. Sandt
Lancaster County, Pennsylvania (Zone 6b)
Annuals Roses Peonies Region: Pennsylvania Region: Mid-Atlantic Hostas
Growing under artificial light Foliage Fan Daylilies Butterflies Bookworm Aroids
Faded labels have been such a frustration for me that I happily overindulged!
Nov 14, 2015 7:58 AM CST
Name: Anna Z.
Monroe, WI
Charter ATP Member Greenhouse Cat Lover Raises cows Region: Wisconsin
CS, I would suggest that you use the "pointy ended" tip. Sharpies are totally worthless. I thought they would be great.........NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nov 14, 2015 11:28 AM CST
Name: Carol H. Sandt
Lancaster County, Pennsylvania (Zone 6b)
Annuals Roses Peonies Region: Pennsylvania Region: Mid-Atlantic Hostas
Growing under artificial light Foliage Fan Daylilies Butterflies Bookworm Aroids
Yes, pointy end. Will do!
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