Eliminate Slugs and Snails

By Rhapsody616
November 12, 2015

This cheap, easy, and very effective solution will keep your slugs and snails at bay.

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Nov 12, 2015 12:30 AM CST
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Name: David Laderoute
Zone 5B/6 - NW MO (Zone 5b)
Ignoring Zones altogether
Seed Starter Avid Green Pages Reviewer Garden Ideas: Level 1
of 1 ½ Cups Ammonia - it comes in various strengths.
Seeking Feng Shui with my plants since 1976
Nov 12, 2015 2:16 AM CST
Name: Rhapsody Hooks
Long Beach Ca USA (Zone 10a)
Cat Lover Winter Sowing Moon Gardener Plumerias Tropicals Roses
Bee Lover Butterflies Region: California Cottage Gardener Herbs Composter
I only see one strengths at the grocery store. It just says "Great Value" by Walmart. Thumbs up
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Nov 13, 2015 12:55 PM CST
Name: Alda yarbrough
Tx. (Zone 8a)
Through God, all things are possib
Hi, Do you spray on the dirt or on the snail itself The ones I have are the small hard-shell kind and they come out at night and hide in the daylight. I only have my plants in large pots but they still find them, Now and then I'll find them eating on the leaves. Will this still work? I'll try anything once. Thanks, Alda
Nov 16, 2015 11:32 PM CST
Name: Rhapsody Hooks
Long Beach Ca USA (Zone 10a)
Cat Lover Winter Sowing Moon Gardener Plumerias Tropicals Roses
Bee Lover Butterflies Region: California Cottage Gardener Herbs Composter
" Overspray any location where you see the usual signs of slug activity (the soil, the pot, the ground). Also spray directly onto the slugs (yes spray the snail or slug) if you are out in the evening checking on your flowers, shrubs, seedlings, and garden produce."

Another thing is plan old sand. Snails and slugs will not cross it. The spray will kill them and the sand will keep them from getting to the plant in the first place. Hope that helps!
Walk in Peace, Walk in Light, Blessed Be!
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