gargoyl52 said:I saw a great deal on "Miracle grow potting soil" what's everyone's thoughts or experience with this product?
The formulations vary regionally so we wouldn't necessarily all be comparing exactly the same product. For example the label on their web site gives the different ingredients for each of Idaho, Texas, New Hampshire, California and Georgia. See label:
I once used MG potting soil that I got here in Ontario, probably at Canadian Tire. I started daylily seeds in it and they did not do very well. It was the only soilless mix I could get in the middle of winter for a seed experiment and it seemed too dense to me, but of course it's not formulated for seed starting so it's not necessarily fair to comment from that point of view. For seed germination I had much better results with vermiculite or perlite, but maybe for growing on the MG would work OK.