dave said: ...
Please remember: this is a BETA system and there might be bugs. The claiming area is highly complex code and therefore, there may be bugs.
It might even happen, that I have to stop, reset and restart the trading, if a catastrophic bug occurs. So please know that ahead of time.
If you have questions or problems, please do report them to me!
dave said:It will be the exact same page you've been using to view the items, and for building your trade lists.
You will not be notified of extra dibs. They will simply appear. When you go to the trading screen, it will tell you at the top how many tickets you have.
dave said:Yes, that's the one.
Sometime tomorrow I'll make it so that you can view who has currently called dibs on your items, so you can get a sense of how you're doing.
Horntoad said:Like a Horse Race. And there off! Horntoad is off to quick start followed closely by SCButtercup. Poisondartfrog moving up from the outside.
poisondartfrog said:Can you call dibs from your wish list, or only the master list? Sorry if that's been answered already.