I have one too--quite old now, and quite large. I should re-pot it, but I don't want to
as it keeps churning out the curly babies.
I also take my houseplants outside for the summer and they hanf from the eaves of my patio roof.
Nice, bright shade--or sparsely filtered sunlight.
I agree with "plantomaniac". Neglect and some amount of stress will produce
more curly babies. Keep it on the dry side! Like--it can go totally dry and be OK.
Go away for 2 weeks on vacation--and when you coma back--your "Bonnie" will be just fine.
Remember that Spider plants form a huge amount of water-storing bulbs in roots in the soil.
This enables the plant to survive drought. If you ever re potted one--you will see what I mean.
Also--I do not think they need all that full sun!!! A bright, even light will do OK. N. or E, exposure
or filtered light--as through sheer curtains works fine. Don't think they are full sun plants at all......
I say--"Ignore them"--and they will do just fine. Gita