This is a random photo that I entered in the contest (and it didn't fare all that well compared to the rest of those in the category). Fire away.
This is what I think:
Interesting composition/crop (and aspect ratio, too).
The depth of focus is both distracting and interesting.
The colors look muted or hazy or dulled. This is likely an artifact of a novice trying to post-produce it.
The colors, as they are, seem to work well together.
The juxtaposition of the living things and the rocks is compelling. Something about the promise of Spring with the counterpoint of the staid yet colorful-in-their-own-right boulders.
I'd like to see what someone who knew what they were doing with photoshop could do to this one.
The focus is a little suspect...or the photographer didn't hold entirely still for the shot.
The light seems right for the subjects even though the photograph has a gray pall.
I'm not saying that's the only way to critique a photo. Or even a good way. But those are some of the things that came to mind when I was trying to see it through new eyes.
Your turn. What do YOU think?
Also, post a photo or two for us to look at and analyze if you'd like.