Hi Bubbles,
I'm still wondering about the odor when keeping the box inside.
There is no odor, if you do it right. Make sure when you put the slop in that you pull the bedding back, place the scraps, and then cover it completely. If some of the scraps are exposed, then it can smell and also attract insects, especially fruit flies.
I love the smell of worm castings. The bins smell like fresh gardening soil.
Can you keep it in the garage instead?
I worry about heat, so I've never tried this. My garage always feels like an oven. Trish would love it if I would put these outdoors but I just haven't built up the courage to try it yet.
Does it draw bugs?
Not in my experience. But I am always very careful to make sure that the scraps are properly buried in the bedding.
Is it like an aquarium where you have to have someone come to feed 'em while you're away for a week?
Not at all. In fact, I don't think I ever feed more than once a week. I had one bin that I ignored for several months and it seems like the worms thrived more than ever. They eat the cardboard and seem very happy and content with it.