The swap will officially end on Monday the 11th at 6 pm Central Time. When it ends you will be given a link to a check off sheet for all the seeds that you owe to the other swappers. Print the sheet (if you can), cut out each list and use them to check of each pack of seeds as you pack them to ship. Be sure to include the list in each bag you prepare for the other members.
When you are preparing your seeds to ship you should gather together all pack going to one person and bag them together in one pack and clearly label the bag with the name of the person it goes to. You can use whatever method works best for you, but I use sandwich or snack size zipper bags. Make sure whatever method you use, that they are secure and will not separate in shipping. I would not label the pack using a sharpie/magic marker on plastic bags. They have a tendency to rub off in shipping.
When you have them all sorted and bagged, box them up and ship them to me. You can use the mailing method of your choice but you must purchase tracking if it is not included in the method you choose. After you package has been mailed log back into the home page for this swap and there will be a place for you to mark your package as mailed and you can enter the tracking number. I will be able to view the tracking number to verify shipping and track it's progress. The boxes must be in the mail to me by the deadline of Tuesday, January 19th, but the sooner you mail the quicker I can get your seeds back to you. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask.