To view what everyone has to offer go to the top of the page for this swap and click on "Access the full tradelist for this swap". You will now see the entire list of seeds offered for this swap (For large swaps it may take up several pages.) If you want to view the list for a specific person click on the arrow next to the word everyone and select the name from the dropdown list and click on "Update View". Later after the swap starts many of the seeds will run out. You can put a check in the box next to " Exclude no-quantity items", then click update view and it will remove all seeds that are no longer available. There is also a search box to search for specific plants.
This is how the full tradelist looks
Wishlist: Look at the tradelist and you will see a series of five stars above each plant name. To create your wishlist, simply click on the stars. You can give each plant a rating by choosing how many stars to highlight, 5 being best and 1 being the least. Star all the plants you are interested in, giving the one you want the most the higher rating. To remove a plant from the wishlist click on the minus to the left of the stars. After you finish marking all the seeds you are interested in go back to this swaps main page. You will now see a new line that say "Access your wishlist for this swap" with the number of plants you have in the list. The wishlist is a very valuable feature of the swap since it not only gives you a list of the plants you are interested in, but once the swap starts you can claim your seeds directly from your wishlist. You will not have to go to the full tradelist and sort through all the plants you don't want.
Here is what the wishlist will look with all the seeds organized from most important to least important.