When I worked as a disc jockey alone in a tiny room I often wondered it there was anyone actually out there listening to my voice and enjoying the music I selected. I enjoyed the time in that small room; it was a volunteer job done for no money...but it would have been nice to get some feedback to know I was doing a good job.
Blogging is like that. We are gonna write these blogs no matter what, just because we enjoy doing it, but yes, it is a joy to receive a thumbs up.
From notes I have received I think I have maybe 3 or 4 followers who regularly read updates to my blog pages.
For most of my blog entries I have disabled the comments but if folks send questions/comments in a Tree-mail I enjoy the conversations that follow.
I'm not actively blogging like some folks with daily or weekly entries, Wordless Wednesdays and all that (although the idea of doing a Throwback Thursday is appealing). During chats on threads if more than one person happens to ask me about some activity/event/link/recipe, etc. it is easier to share the information by taking time to write a blog, complete with photos and any links needed, and send a short message to each person who expressed an interest in some of the silly or strange things that happen in my otherwise boring life. One of my blogs started out as an article for ATP but when it turned into a distaster/failure I just made it into a blog. Live and learn. One blog is the story of my dog Jack...he may not be with me very long so I am keeping track of the highlights of his little life. For me it's a bit easier to be alone typing and crying at 2 in the morning than to be constantly commiserating on the chat threads.
Out on the internet there are tons of serious bloggers. The one I follow faithfully is the Hayefield: A Pennsylvania Plant Geek's Garden by Nan Ondra. She can "see" beauty and potential in mid-winter, the photos lift my spirits and a great big plus is that she saves and shares seeds from many of the plants featured in her blogs. What a thrill to watch the plants grow, take shape, mature and go to seed and know that we have the opportunity to grow the same plant in our own gardens. Nan's blog does not have a "thumbs up" feature but there is a 5-star rating system. I add a nice comment and send her some seeds.
Cinda/gardengus, your type of blog is easy to read and easy on the eyes - lots of good photos.