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Jan 22, 2016 7:35 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Arturo Tarak
Bariloche,Rio Negro, Argentina (Zone 8a)
Dahlias Irises Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Roses
Hello Paul, I'm now growing in my garden both delphinium and larkspur ( Consolida ajacis) my delphs are new and have yet to bloom although they are showing heightened flower stalks. The leaves are completely different. Instead my larkspurs have exactly the same leaf shape as yours are already in bloom this weeek. A few individuals have pink colors but mainly in this heavenly blue and purplish blue. Your color combination is happy! I wonder what are the reddish flowers at the background. Also it is very interesting the color combination with the brick color of the wall. Thank you for uploading such a beautiful multiplant image. Arturo
Jan 23, 2016 6:58 AM CST
Name: Paul
Utah (Zone 5b)
Grandchildren are my greatest joy.
Annuals Enjoys or suffers cold winters Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Garden Procrastinator Hosted a Not-A-Raffle-Raffle Plays in the sandbox
Tender Perennials Tomato Heads The WITWIT Badge Region: Utah Vegetable Grower Hybridizer
Hi Arturo......thank you so much for the pleasant friendly message. I often find commonly used terminology confusing. Are Larkspurs Delphiniums or visa versa? Here Larkspurs like those in the picture are annuals, easy to grow, often reseed and sometimes I think they look a little weedy. What I call Delphs are perennial, a challenge to grow well, and can be spectacular. The reddish flowers in the back of the picture are roses which are past prime. Best wishes for a beautiful garden. Take some pictures and share them with us. Paul.......
Paul Smith Pleasant Grove, Utah
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