Hello, I am new to the group and so happy to have found you! My mom gave me a a very healthy Coleus burgundy wedding train (I believe that is what is is) see photos. I put it in my living room which was pretty dark because we keep the blinds closed during the day. It started looking very pale so It put it on the front porch (too much direct sun, too hot) Immediately the leaves started falling off and it looked as if it were dying., I moved it to the back porch and it started thriving again and turned rich burgundy. I think it likes indirect sun light. I brought it in the house again and put it in the kitchen temporarily to read just to being back in the house. The leaves are starting to fall off again. Unfortunuately, I have very little room for plants in the sunny spots of the house, but plenty of room in my in my living room. People say this plant is easy ti grow. I love it but find it very fickle. Any suggestions? Will a plant light help?