Hello everyone in a few weeks most of the plants in zone 7a-7b will start moving sap up the trunks of trees and shrubs now is still a good time to take cuttings to propagate your favorite woody plants be it by grafting or rooting but the time frame is closing quickly. If anyone wants to swap cuttings or other plant material please let me know. Here is a short list of what I have to share.
named thornless blackberries
named goumis
named plums
named persimmons
named pomegranates
named plums
nanking cherries
named sweet cherries
named figs
named kiwis
named mulberries
named blueberries
named peaches
and much more including a few ornimentals please feel free to tree mail me if interested in trading. If you have never shipped cuttings or attempted rooting cuttings I can walk you through both. At this time I'm not interested in trading cuttings for postage, in fall I'll have seeds for postage. Thanks and I look forward to hearing from everyone.