This might be old news but as
@wcgypsy says, Dave and Trish created DG about 16 years ago and for 10 years Dave's Garden was the best gardening site on the web. Dave is a great gardener, Dave is also the best computer expert and when he combined his abilities and his talents he gave it all to Dave's Garden all those years ago. It was a beautiful site for about 10 years, then along came Internet Brands and they no longer wanted Dave at the helm. No more gardener and creative computer guru at Dave's Garden. . . so there was no one left to continue what Dave had created. IB was incapable of doing it.
After about a year, Dave again opened the door to a new gardening site. All Things Plants. He again started from scratch but look at where we are in less than 5 years. And he brought with him all those past years of experience, fine tuned now, very nearly perfect.
It's like
@jvdubb says above, if there's a problem, Dave will immediately fix it. But there have been few problems. Dave knows how to build a gardening website, he knows how to keep it on track, widening its reach. He never promises anything that he can't deliver but he surely takes care of a problem mostly before anyone ever notices.
You sounded a little hesitant in your comment,
@happgarden. I just wanted to assure you that you really have no reason to be concerned.