Avatar for SallyMarie
Mar 12, 2016 4:44 PM CST
Thread OP

Very new to this but I do have a question or two, I am an elderly lady who has been gardening for many years
now my knees are getting very sore, and I have to part with several of my beautiful perennials. I have
some rare flowers namely the Double Japanese Fern Leaf Peony and I also have the single. The two double are
very large and two medium single. I would like to divide and sell them but not sure how to divide them and how
much to sell them for. They are very healthy plants. I am open to any suggestions.
Mar 12, 2016 8:00 PM CST
Name: Daisy I
Reno, Nv (Zone 6b)
Not all who wander are lost
Garden Sages Plant Identifier
Hi Sally! Welcome to ATP. Welcome!

It's a shame you have to give up your beautiful plants. I assume they are planted in your yard, not in pots. You don't say where you are located. And you also don't say if these are herbaceous peonies or tree peonies.

It's probably not a job for someone with bad knees and a tired back because you are going to have to lift the entire plant out of the ground and divide it without causing too much damage to the roots. Carefully dig around the entire plant and lift it out of the ground. Rinse all the dirt off so you can see what you have and start separating. Decide where the crowns are then use a sharp knife to cut the roots apart.

If you have a locally owned nursery, chances are they would be interested in your plants and also be willing to come dig them up. If there is a peony society near you, they would be a good resource. Below is the link to the Peonie Forum in ATP. They seem to be very active:


Best of luck.

Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and proclaiming...."WOW What a Ride!!" -Mark Frost

President: Orchid Society of Northern Nevada
Webmaster: osnnv.org
Avatar for SallyMarie
Mar 13, 2016 2:15 PM CST
Thread OP

MY double Peonies are Herbaceous, and I have many. The single is also very nice, I really like the way they close in the evening, some look like a bird, or a butterfly etc.
I was hoping that I could have divided them last Fall, now I must wait until Sept/Oct. but this will be my last season, so I will enjoy it once more regardless of my sore knees.
I guess as long as these tubulars have eyes they should continue to produce beautiful flowers. Would it be better to have lets say three or five eyes?? per tubular would the
plant be fuller sooner?. Yes they are in full sun in my back yard. thanks again
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