Hey everyone! These pics looks so nice Jimard. Well my ws'ing was pretty much a bust. We are definitely in spring and have been since Feb. I really think it was just way too warm here for ws'ing. But, I have gotten tons done garden bed wise. All of my beds have finally been built. I've spent the last month creating them and waiting on germination and growth. No germination or growth for the bulk of what I sowed but I still have another 2 weeks before I make a decision on how I want to proceed. Any of my bought seed is germinating and growing. The rest, not so much. It seems my older seed and plants I already had are growing very slowly. The best of my swap seed growing has been by far the purple ruffles basil. Which I'm tickled pink about. I do have a few of the snaps coming on. Maybe 5 of 10 or 15 seeds have germinated. Sadly, still waiting on salvia germination. I'm not giving up though. My older hostas are just now coming up whereas my 6 month old hostas I planted last year are up and beautiful. Same pattern with my trees and roses. Last frost was Monday for us however we have 36 deg temps tonight. This is the last cold snap we'll have. Chuck and I decided it's the little snaps like this that the plants are responding to so I'm not quite ready to give up on the seed I ws'd.
This is one of my shade gardens I redid. It shows the newer hostas that have already come up. Yesterday I planted 3 new coral bells and replanted 2 old coral bells. The peach crisp corals did well this year. However, I did lose one in Feb during a snap.
I also added a couple of dazzler cranberry impatiens to that bed. It should turn out well. I only really have the back of the garden to plant and then reline the bed with rocks and mulch.
This is the newest garden we made. Rachale and I hauled all the rock and got the bed filled with dirt from my veggie garden. I then planted my old hostas, a couple of ferns, and put in some of the impatiens I bought yesterday. I also had divided my black scallop ajuga from the back of my house and used it in this bed. I finished planting it yesterday. All it really needs is mulch. I'm holding off until the hostas establish a little better and I decided that I'm truly done with adding to this garden.
This is the back of the house where I enlarged it, moved hostas, divided ajuga. I also planted some bronze leaf pink begonias. This bed waits on some of my winter sowed items so it will be in limbo for a bit longer.
Chuck, CJ and I made this bed on Monday. It was supposed to be my hummingbird feeder spot but since I wanted all those planters, we came up with a better idea, lol. The purple ruffles basil will go in this bed when it gets bigger and I have some Irish Eyes rudbekia I'm waiting on to sprout. The irish eyes will go in the backdrop of this bed.
This is some Kablouna calendula I received in a swap. Only 3 came up. I did go ahead and plant them in the bed behind the above picture. I went ahead and direct seeded some celosia yesterday since what I ws'd came and went, lol. If anything pops up from the winter sowing, I'll just add it here. I'm also going to put dreamland zinnias and who knows what else in this bed, lol.
While I'm sad about my ws'ing efforts, I'm not giving up. I'm tickled pink to see how everyone else's is doing. I do hope the germination begins on some of what I got here. It's all just a bit here and there. Hopefully there will be more than I expect this week. If not, I'll plow forward, lol.