Avatar for Daylilylady15
Mar 21, 2016 5:47 PM CST
Thread OP
(Zone 8a)
Can you identify this peach iris?Thanks
Thumb of 2016-03-21/Daylilylady15/9d9bd1
Mar 21, 2016 6:36 PM CST
Name: Bonnie Sojourner
Harris Brake Lake, Arkansas (Zone 7a)
Magnolia zone
Region: United States of America Region: Arkansas Master Gardener: Arkansas Irises Plant and/or Seed Trader Moon Gardener
Garden Ideas: Master Level Dragonflies Bulbs Garden Art Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Gardens in Buckets
Hello Daylilylady, what class of iris such as TB, BB, IB, etc. bloom time early, medium or late, more photos to compare beard etc. Then from the photos and information all we can do is make suggestions. You must choose which, if any, suggestions we make and acquire the plants and grow them beside your noid in order to make a definite identification. There are so many irises out there it is easy to confuse one with another and really muddy the waters so to speak. Speaking from experience a definite I.D. takes time and effort. I have at least six 'almost' irises of one cultivar and I think I am giving up on that one.
Thro' all the tumult and the strife I hear the music ringing; It finds an echo in my soul— How can I keep from singing?
Mar 22, 2016 4:20 AM CST
Name: Mary Ann
Western Kentucky (Zone 7a)
Bee Lover Irises Hummingbirder Hostas Keeps Horses Farmer
Daylilies I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Container Gardener Cat Lover Region: Kentucky Birds
It's a space-age -- that should narrow the field.............
Thoughts become things -- choose the good ones. (www.tut.com)
Mar 22, 2016 5:38 AM CST
Name: Greg Hodgkinson
Hanover PA (Zone 6b)
Garden Photography Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Irises Region: Japan Region: Pennsylvania
I am with Bonnie on this. The details are an important component to getting a good guess from the peanut gallery that is the ATP iris forum! Whistling

Things or info we need to make our educated guess:

Bloom time (early, mid, or late)
type (SDB, IB, MDB, MTB, BB, TB) blah blah blah {in this case it appears to be either a BB or a TB)

I am with Mary Ann in that this NoID is a SA

This is the type of info that we need to help you narrow the field so you can buy "test" plants to grow next to your NoID!!!
Mar 22, 2016 11:51 AM CST
Name: Leslie
Durham, NC (Zone 8a)
Garden Photography Cat Lover Irises Region: North Carolina Peonies Enjoys or suffers hot summers
Celebrating Gardening: 2015
I agree with Bonnie and Greg -

Just a head's up! There are many pinky peach space agers out there.
"The chimera is a one time happenstance event where the plant has a senior moment and forgets what it is doing." - Paul Black
Mar 22, 2016 5:33 PM CST
(Zone 7a)
Garden Photography Hybridizer Irises Seed Starter Region: Tennessee
Looks like April Jewel
Mar 23, 2016 1:41 AM CST
Name: Carl Boro
Milpitas, CA (Zone 10b)
Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Photo Contest Winner: 2015
Could be Monty Byers 'Pagan Pink'.
Hard to tell from the photo.
What those others said about all that other stuff.
Mar 23, 2016 5:42 PM CST
Name: Angie
Concord, NC (zone 7)
I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Charter ATP Member Region: North Carolina Daylilies Roses Clematis
Butterflies Cat Lover Birds Hummingbirder Seed Starter
Pretty, whatever it is!
I think that if ever a mortal heard the voice of God it would be in a garden at the cool of the day. ~F. Frankfort Moore, A Garden of Peace

Mar 23, 2016 8:11 PM CST
Name: Mary Ann
Western Kentucky (Zone 7a)
Bee Lover Irises Hummingbirder Hostas Keeps Horses Farmer
Daylilies I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Container Gardener Cat Lover Region: Kentucky Birds
Hi Angie ~ (waving) ( Smiling )
Thoughts become things -- choose the good ones. (www.tut.com)
Mar 24, 2016 4:55 AM CST
Name: Angie
Concord, NC (zone 7)
I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Charter ATP Member Region: North Carolina Daylilies Roses Clematis
Butterflies Cat Lover Birds Hummingbirder Seed Starter
~~~~Mary Ann! Hugs.
I think that if ever a mortal heard the voice of God it would be in a garden at the cool of the day. ~F. Frankfort Moore, A Garden of Peace

Mar 24, 2016 6:54 AM CST
Name: Mary Ann
Western Kentucky (Zone 7a)
Bee Lover Irises Hummingbirder Hostas Keeps Horses Farmer
Daylilies I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Container Gardener Cat Lover Region: Kentucky Birds
Big Grin
Thoughts become things -- choose the good ones. (www.tut.com)
Avatar for Daylilylady15
Apr 9, 2016 9:12 PM CST
Thread OP
(Zone 8a)
Hello everyone. Thanks for your input. The photo was taken march 21 at our iris society meeting in mt. Pleasant texas. It is a tall bearded iris with a slight fragrance. I do not know much more but I can find out from our member as to the height and so forth. The irises just started blooming here mid march thanks
Apr 10, 2016 12:15 AM CST
Name: Marilyn
Central California (Zone 9b)
Annuals Irises Dog Lover Composter Cat Lover Region: California
Butterflies Birds Bee Lover Enjoys or suffers hot summers Celebrating Gardening: 2015
I agree, it does look like April Jewel, but you need more information to narrow down the possibilities and then you need to grow the most likely match alongside your iris to see if it's really a match.

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