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Mar 23, 2016 7:54 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: Rosie J
If it sparkles - I'm there!
Bookworm Dragonflies Garden Art Region: North Carolina Plays in the sandbox Deer
This thread open to all..let the topic(s) take you where they may.

Not seasonal..not dependent on a sunny day... or a good mood ( or a bad one for that matter)

Somewhat dependent on your memory....and we know how those morph 😏😆

Don't squat with yer spurs on!

People try to turn back their "odometers." Not me. I want people to know 'why' I look this way. I've traveled a long way and some of the roads weren't paved
Mar 23, 2016 8:28 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: Rosie J
If it sparkles - I'm there!
Bookworm Dragonflies Garden Art Region: North Carolina Plays in the sandbox Deer
This morning I was thinking about birthday corsages.
I am not sure if this was a Brooklyn thing..
An Italian thing....
A family thing...
Or just a fad of the time...but it lasted my growing up years during the 50's and 60's

Each birthday ..and I believe it had to start during a period when we were old enough not to choke on the parts .. or get stuck with the pearl-topped straight pin fastener... We girls got a birthday corsage... It was BEAUTIFUL! Sometimes it would contain a fresh pink rose bud..surrounded by ribbons and chiffon.. Sometimes there would be a small toy tucked in the ribbons. The corsage always contained candy held tight by pipe cleaners (DID THOSE THINGS ACTUALLY CLEAN PIPES???) that matched the number of our years. Birthday number 14 held small dog recognize the age of "puppy love." The corsages ended when we hit 16 --that glorious corsage was heavily laden with 16 sugar cubes. It was a rite of passage and the italian moms would shed a tear when that one was fastened. I can still see my very favorite corsage in my minds eye...brightly colored and heavily sugared gum drops...a silk yellow and black striped bumble bee...a flower..and a beautiful chiffon bow. I was likely 10 or 11. I am 63 now.....alas, the time for birthday corsages long gone...but I think I may resurrect the custom for my three granddaughters.

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Don't squat with yer spurs on!

People try to turn back their "odometers." Not me. I want people to know 'why' I look this way. I've traveled a long way and some of the roads weren't paved
Last edited by MISSINGROSIE Mar 23, 2016 8:44 AM Icon for preview
Mar 23, 2016 8:33 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: Rosie J
If it sparkles - I'm there!
Bookworm Dragonflies Garden Art Region: North Carolina Plays in the sandbox Deer
And...who can forget these? No matter how many years pass.......
Pinned to a matter how shabby...we all felt like Christmas Angels.

Oh my..these photos are making me sad instead of glad.

I guess I am missing my mom and Christmases past.
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Don't squat with yer spurs on!

People try to turn back their "odometers." Not me. I want people to know 'why' I look this way. I've traveled a long way and some of the roads weren't paved
Mar 23, 2016 9:57 AM CST
Name: Julie
Kenmore, NY (Zone 6a)
Region: New York Enjoys or suffers cold winters Container Gardener Houseplants Daylilies
Those are all lovely photos. I would love to have one of those pins to wear on my coat at Christmas.

My grandmother always had ribbon candy during the holiday.
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And she loved these fruit slice candies.
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She had the most wonderful recipe for cuccidati (excuse spelling). For the past few years my daughter, cousin & I get together and use her recipe and make cookies. Smiling
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Mar 23, 2016 10:21 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: Rosie J
If it sparkles - I'm there!
Bookworm Dragonflies Garden Art Region: North Carolina Plays in the sandbox Deer
I recognize those!!!! But, not the name.
My aunts Dora and Annie used to feed me those. Wow.

Also the ribbon candy..what was that flavor? It was not was not was a spice with heat.. So good ...and there was the tin of smaller christmas hard candy.. Also a few had that spicy one

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Don't squat with yer spurs on!

People try to turn back their "odometers." Not me. I want people to know 'why' I look this way. I've traveled a long way and some of the roads weren't paved
Last edited by MISSINGROSIE Mar 23, 2016 10:24 AM Icon for preview
Mar 23, 2016 10:29 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: Rosie J
If it sparkles - I'm there!
Bookworm Dragonflies Garden Art Region: North Carolina Plays in the sandbox Deer
It may have been ( center photo ) the red with green stripes....

I loved it and hated it!

This was my christmas "cookie"
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Don't squat with yer spurs on!

People try to turn back their "odometers." Not me. I want people to know 'why' I look this way. I've traveled a long way and some of the roads weren't paved
Mar 23, 2016 11:44 AM CST
Name: Julie
Kenmore, NY (Zone 6a)
Region: New York Enjoys or suffers cold winters Container Gardener Houseplants Daylilies
I never heard of Struffoli but they sure look good!

I didn't like those striped candies either. Thumbs down But I did love the purple waffley ones.
Mar 23, 2016 12:31 PM CST
Name: Sally
Nichols, iowa (Zone 5a)
Charter ATP Member Birds Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge) Vegetable Grower Peonies Lilies
Irises Region: Iowa Dog Lover Daylilies Cat Lover Butterflies
Oh Rosie,
The corsages are awesome! How grown up you must have felt each year.
Never had an ornament pinned to my coat either. What a great thing!

My Grandma had a candy dish. It was seasonal and I loved to find the hard Christmas candy in it. The ribbons could shred your tongue after a while.

YUM on the cookie pictures!!

One of my favorite candys were the necklaces. I usually got one after swimming lessons. I don't think I could wear that sticky wet string around my neck now but if you were careful they lasted a while.

Slo-Pokes were another favorite. My sister and I always chose them to pass out to the class on our birthdays.
A small town has no secrets except itself
Mar 23, 2016 4:24 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Rosie J
If it sparkles - I'm there!
Bookworm Dragonflies Garden Art Region: North Carolina Plays in the sandbox Deer
I grew up in the borough of Brooklyn in NY. And in NY ..the "neighborhoods" tended to be all Italian or all German or Irish etc., with an exception here and or con..we all tended to have the same experiences. Growing up, it would not have entered my mind that the corsages weren't a standard in everyone's house..or at Christmas, the struffoli were not being rolled on every counter. Sundays, the family gathered for a pasta dish and a meat. Everybody's brothers got arrested together... The daughters all found boyfriends at about the same time. If we got caught smoking..every mother gave us a crack as we walked home ( they were waiting on their ' stoops' ) and issued a warning about what waited for us when we got to our actual house and faced our biological mother!

The world was very small back then...😊

I remember those necklaces...the came later in my life and were around when my kids were small...also those horrid little pink and white and yellow and blue dots stuck to strips of paper.
I have never heard of a slo poke

Julie...I remember the purple waffle candies at Christmas...

and also a tannish blond...I think those had peanut butter in them...those were not Christmas fare tho.

Oh and those HORRID Banana..sort of a peachy yellow. Soft.. I think they are still around but the banana is really artificial -- worse than I remember.

A standard in my mom's purse was gum and the multicolored ( primary colors not the new fruit stuff) lifesavers
Don't squat with yer spurs on!

People try to turn back their "odometers." Not me. I want people to know 'why' I look this way. I've traveled a long way and some of the roads weren't paved
Last edited by MISSINGROSIE Mar 23, 2016 7:55 PM Icon for preview
Mar 23, 2016 7:14 PM CST
Name: Bob
Vernon N.J. (Zone 6b)
Aquarium Plants Bookworm Snakes Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Heucheras
Echinacea Hellebores Dog Lover Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge) Hostas Region: New Jersey
Struffoli are a family must for the holidays, but we mostly called them honey balls. And my mother always liked the spiced hard candy for Christmas but they are getting harder to find.
Mar 24, 2016 4:37 AM CST
Name: Sally
Nichols, iowa (Zone 5a)
Charter ATP Member Birds Lover of wildlife (Black bear badge) Vegetable Grower Peonies Lilies
Irises Region: Iowa Dog Lover Daylilies Cat Lover Butterflies
I love your small world!

Laughing, and the paper would sometimes come off with those dots. I'm not sure of the smell of them. I have the double Bouncing Bett and it smells just like an old candy to me. I thought maybe the dots.

I loved the foot long banana taffy! Flat and it could be chewy or you could snap off a piece.

Ahhh, a whole roll of lifesavers to yourself and if you didn't want the green one you managed to take the next one and stuff it back in the roll.

They could last all day if you sucked on them and that's why we chose them for our birthday treat.

Slo Poke:
The Slo Poke was billed on its wrapper as a “delicious caramel,” even though it’s presented like a lollipop. I wouldn’t quite call it a caramel, as it was not at all sticky, and its chew was much softer and long lasting than that of caramel.

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A small town has no secrets except itself
Mar 24, 2016 7:35 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: Rosie J
If it sparkles - I'm there!
Bookworm Dragonflies Garden Art Region: North Carolina Plays in the sandbox Deer
NJBob said:Struffoli are a family must for the holidays, but we mostly called them honey balls. And my mother always liked the spiced hard candy for Christmas but they are getting harder to find.

BUT WHAT was that spice?? Not clove..not cinnamon..
Don't squat with yer spurs on!

People try to turn back their "odometers." Not me. I want people to know 'why' I look this way. I've traveled a long way and some of the roads weren't paved
Mar 24, 2016 7:50 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: Rosie J
If it sparkles - I'm there!
Bookworm Dragonflies Garden Art Region: North Carolina Plays in the sandbox Deer
billyporter said:Rosie,
I love your small world!

Laughing, and the paper would sometimes come off with those dots. I'm not sure of the smell of them. I have the double Bouncing Bett and it smells just like an old candy to me. I thought maybe the dots.

I loved the foot long banana taffy! Flat and it could be chewy or you could snap off a piece.

Ahhh, a whole roll of lifesavers to yourself and if you didn't want the green one you managed to take the next one and stuff it back in the roll.

They could last all day if you sucked on them and that's why we chose them for our birthday treat.

Slo Poke:
The Slo Poke was billed on its wrapper as a “delicious caramel,” even though it’s presented like a lollipop. I wouldn’t quite call it a caramel, as it was not at all sticky, and its chew was much softer and long lasting than that of caramel.

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Yes!!!! I know those. It had sort of a chalky feel to me too. I don't think they were called slo poke in NY and the chocolate taffy was lighter in a yoo hoo dink color.
We never had a foot long taffy.

You may have to be catholic I think to get this... ...but the material of the host..the wafer? Well back in the day..there was this candy...( two for a penny) two cup shaped wafers..maybe the size of 50 cent piece..sealed together and formed a sort of saucer shaped hollow..was filled with tiny colored candy balls..the two wafers popped apart easily. And, aside from the curved bulge in did look and taste like the Holy Eucharist....I used to pull those apart-- eat the little candy seeds -- and then play "mass" where I would dispense the 'host ' and prayers and take up collections (to support my immense Super Girl comic habit )

It was astounding that I think about it .... I really had a thriving congregation for a girl. We kids were sinners! Well, the nuns at St. Sylvesters heard about it...( I think it was that weasel up the street Frankie Sabatello and his nosy gossip mother) ...well...if the nuns mother heard......OH there was HELL to pay!!
Don't squat with yer spurs on!

People try to turn back their "odometers." Not me. I want people to know 'why' I look this way. I've traveled a long way and some of the roads weren't paved
Last edited by MISSINGROSIE Mar 24, 2016 11:09 AM Icon for preview
Mar 24, 2016 9:11 AM CST
Name: Ronnie (Veronica)
Southeastern PA (Zone 6b)
Count your blessings, be grateful
Region: Ukraine Organic Gardener Keeps Goats Zinnias Dog Lover Morning Glories
Annuals Bee Lover Dragonflies Butterflies Hummingbirder Birds
That's a great story Rosie and yes they do taste like the 'Holy Eucharist'

Sally I think Bouncing Bett smells like smarties candy or sweet tarts.

One of my best spring memories was getting to take the crown of flowers in for the blessed mother at May procession time! We had a lilac bush so that's what mine was made of. I grow lilac for that reason alone Lovey dubby the memory smell is incredible.
Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.
Mar 24, 2016 10:56 AM CST
Name: Julie
Kenmore, NY (Zone 6a)
Region: New York Enjoys or suffers cold winters Container Gardener Houseplants Daylilies
Rosie, that's so funny! I used to play 'host' with those wafers also!
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I personally loved those paper dots. So much candy on one piece of paper. I always went for the bulk packaging - necco wafers, smarties (still one of my favorites). And mary jane's, those were good too, once you softened them up a bit.

Sally, I remember slo pokes - my brother's favorite. Maybe Rosie is thinking of a sugar daddy?
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Rosie, I have been googling all over the place. I am not familiar with the flavor, but could you be thinking of horehound?
Last edited by smiley Mar 24, 2016 11:18 AM Icon for preview
Mar 24, 2016 11:07 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: Rosie J
If it sparkles - I'm there!
Bookworm Dragonflies Garden Art Region: North Carolina Plays in the sandbox Deer
smiley said:Rosie, that's so funny! I used to play 'host' with those wafers also!
Thumb of 2016-03-24/smiley/217ff0

I personally loved those paper dots. So much candy on one piece of paper. I always went for the bulk packaging - necco wafers, smarties (still one of my favorites). And mary jane's, those were good too, once you softened them up a bit.

Sally, I remember slo pokes - my brother's favorite. Maybe Rosie is thinking of a sugar daddy?
Thumb of 2016-03-24/smiley/b9bb00

Yes! Those are the devil's play things! Ha! Funny, I don't remember those colors. Maybe my mother beat the memory out of me!

I remember Sugar Daddy too..we had those in the theater on Saturday.,, they lasted! But, the smaller lollipops I am thinking of with a taffy top ..were likely inexpensive. In NY we had a shop ( sort of like today's dollar stores) ...called John's Bargain...I bet mom got those there. Strawberry, Chocolate ( more a pale mocha) and banana.
Don't squat with yer spurs on!

People try to turn back their "odometers." Not me. I want people to know 'why' I look this way. I've traveled a long way and some of the roads weren't paved
Mar 24, 2016 11:57 AM CST
Name: JoJo
Texas (Zone 8b)
Bee Lover Region: Texas Enjoys or suffers hot summers Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Native Plants and Wildflowers Irises
Hibiscus Garden Art Frogs and Toads Dragonflies Dog Lover Daylilies
I remember everything but the corsages. We never had those, would have LOVED them tho
Maybe the taste was the fake cinnamon Cassia, it was used for cinnamon because it was cheaper
Gardening is learning, learning, learning. That's the fun of them.
You're always learning !
Helen Mirren
Mar 24, 2016 12:25 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Rosie J
If it sparkles - I'm there!
Bookworm Dragonflies Garden Art Region: North Carolina Plays in the sandbox Deer
No the spice was nothing like cinnamon. I will ask my sister -- she KNOWS EVERYTHING! 😆😝
Don't squat with yer spurs on!

People try to turn back their "odometers." Not me. I want people to know 'why' I look this way. I've traveled a long way and some of the roads weren't paved
Mar 24, 2016 12:40 PM CST
Name: Julie
Kenmore, NY (Zone 6a)
Region: New York Enjoys or suffers cold winters Container Gardener Houseplants Daylilies
Not horehound?

remember these?
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mmm.. but not the green ones.. Thumbs down
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Mar 24, 2016 12:48 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Rosie J
If it sparkles - I'm there!
Bookworm Dragonflies Garden Art Region: North Carolina Plays in the sandbox Deer
No...not horehound..but .i do love that..

This was the candy with that flavor...the RED with THE GREEN stripe.

Alao here is that purple waffley one

Oh I sure DO!

I inhaled when I should have exhaled and almost killed myself on those powders! There was one with a dip stick...and do you remember FIZZIES??

Also, you remember the wax lips, mustach, teeth, finger with red nail polish, and orange HARMONICA?

That was was sooooooo good and chewy.. Could almost stretch shatters flavor...feels BAD in mouth.
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Don't squat with yer spurs on!

People try to turn back their "odometers." Not me. I want people to know 'why' I look this way. I've traveled a long way and some of the roads weren't paved
Last edited by MISSINGROSIE Mar 24, 2016 12:51 PM Icon for preview

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