We're putting together a list of the ATP members' favorite shade plants! Come on in and read how to nominate your favorites! We will later publish a final article on the top picks.
Name: Rose Keppler Moradian Gainesville Texas (Zone 7b)
I live near Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and have stumbled upon a hardy variegated sport of a common weed. I thought I had discovered a new plant but after finding the second patch 25 miles away I realized that a horticulture student must have stabilized a sport and planted it far and wide in shady areas. I thought it was a pelargonium at first with ruffled fuzzy leaves. I will knock on doors where I see it and find out the rest of the story. I think this is a beautiful and strong plant everybody should have in their shade garden. Next time I go I will bring my cutting tools and try to make more to share.