Hi Janet. I wish Red Lynn was one of mine.
Here is a great German link to cultivars.
The Rubin they show looks very much like my Red Rubin. It can get very confusing, kind of like your bugs.
The Red Lynn is a ANDRÉ SMITS,1989 from Belgium. I have not found it here in the USA. : ( What a bummer for me, it looks very interesting.
I can't seem to find anything on Rubin Red other than that one tiny info link you provided. Every time I do a search for Rubin Red it gives me Red Rubin. Opps, I did an advanced google search. It came up with 2 sites in England for Rubin Red with good pictures. That definitely isn't the same as Red Rubin.
So far I haven't been able to find the beginnings of Red Rubin. The updates on new cultivars are way behind. Wish I could find a link for that kind for info on new cultivars.
Wow, this if fun digging into info on these plants.
Wish there was a way to send some to you.