I hear you, or should I say, I feel your pain?
Those changes are certainly still ongoing and many times one does wonder at yet another name change. I myself look up these hybrids pretty much all the time to make sure I am not giving a wrong name. I check the species too if I am not sure at apps.kew.org. ( which seems to be down every so often...)
Why can't the Grex simply added instead of the species? As in Genus Grex 'Cultivar'? Not sure if I understand your question.
What got me started was a t-mail regarding the addition of someone's Orchid photos, which I am sure are very pretty. Remembering some of the somewhat curious additions at other times I was not so sure how helpful those additions might be down the road. Except perhaps if one regards this endeavor as pure joy to look at beautiful Orchid pictures - I have no problem with that!
Thanks Zuzu! Much appreciated!