We are working on it right now. Chatting a few weeks back with folks on the iris forum ..I think would be great for the paths. Have to wait for those until the hardscape in. The area has been identified with fencing. I have been planning a long only by my tendency to forget that Less IS More and also the fact that I have no talent!
I have collected crosses over the years..I found photos of two. My cousin Flo loved the sea and Americana ..and so the iron cross reminded me of mom prayed a great deal to Mary, hence the other. I havea cross fashioned from the aluminum ( cut in squares to clad the outside) of beer silvers and blues -- like the sea for my FIL who drank too much and was a sailor... So all the crosses are special. I wanted a solid fence to paint with sky and clouds for a backdrop for my hanging crosses....(not tacky just a gentle wash ) but DH installed hemlock rail fencing there. The photo of the fence ( not mine ) shows how perhaps I can hang those....I planted a pretty speckled leaf elm and the garden bench is in position next to it. My beloved Rosie and Raggs cremains will bein the garden and for them there is the saint francis. I made a headstone for it I sank pearls aroind a square of glass with her photo behind it..the pearls held up but the photo slowly faded...I still like it tho. My plan is to find deer resistant flowers, grasses, shrubs with meaningful names for the area around Saint Francis. I would also like a spiral garden ( I started a thread a week or so ago if anyone wants to post ) in the center it all comes along...I will post photos. You have a great idea for a thread.
These photos are not very good but it is what I have in the iPad. ..the iron " family " ( made from tobacco warehouse iron flooring ) will sit at the entrance. St. Francis will have his own " patch " of grass FOR deer and a small birdbath..for the is only fitting..the piled stone is a votive holder...the tall disk structure is a chime/ gong. Chimes can be heard in that area that are already set up. Also running water from the pondless stream.
The bench was designed and made by a friend who has passed from cancer.. He was too young and so that is very special and his name was Francis. The flagstone path(one) is in and will meet with the other one under construction.
I am going to use crockery that loved ones have given me to make a stepping stone or something for the garden. Also plan some small stone gravel work for a little zen garden spot. I am also collecting some gentle chimes. There will be glass in there also..and a small sunken ( very small ) gazing pool (rubbermade pot basically) sunk in the zen gravel area. I have snakes and so that will not be more than 24 inches.
I am full of ideas and I will definitely have to edit myself.
I think the names on the stones idea is GREAT
I thought I would make flower plates ( on rebar ) with some costume jewelry and watch faces and such attached to the " face " from findings that I have from my family.
CLEARLY..I need to edit so the area will be a place of reflection and not confusion. I anticipate I age that this area will be the one I kerp up and so planting will just be in the paths and the majority hardscape.
Welcome all ideas. Even tho I need to EDIT!