Apr 16, 2016 12:29 PM CST
Name: Vicki
North Carolina
I helped beta test the Garden Planting Calendar I sent a postcard to Randy! Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Forum moderator Region: United States of America
Purslane Garden Art Region: North Carolina Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Garden Ideas: Master Level Million Pollinator Garden Challenge
Here are the two bird baths I just made.

Before paint

Thumb of 2016-04-16/vic/9402ef


Thumb of 2016-04-16/vic/90dc46

Thumb of 2016-04-16/vic/b59cf3
NATIONAL GARDENING ASSOCIATION ~ Garden Art ~ Purslane & Portulaca ~
Apr 16, 2016 12:50 PM CST
Name: Mary
Glendale, Arizona (Zone 9b)
Region: Arizona Enjoys or suffers hot summers Seed Starter Roses Plumerias Morning Glories
Hummingbirder Composter Cat Lover Vegetable Grower
Lovey dubby Your bird baths! What type of adhesive & paint do you use?
Apr 16, 2016 1:07 PM CST
Name: Karen
New Mexico (Zone 8a)
Region: New Mexico Region: Arizona Region: Ukraine Cactus and Succulents Plant Identifier Plays in the sandbox
Greenhouse Bromeliad Adeniums Morning Glories Avid Green Pages Reviewer Brugmansias
Pretty! I was wondering the same thing about the paint.
Handcrafted Coastal Inspired Art SeaMosaics!
Apr 16, 2016 3:01 PM CST
Name: Lin Vosbury
Sebastian, Florida (Zone 10a)

Region: Ukraine Region: United States of America Bird Bath, Fountain and Waterfall Region: Florida Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database!
Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Birds Butterflies Bee Lover Hummingbirder Container Gardener
Vic, wow ... great job, I really love them both! Lovey dubby
~ I'm an old gal who still loves playing in the dirt!
~ Playing in the dirt is my therapy ... and I'm in therapy a lot!

Apr 16, 2016 3:16 PM CST
Name: Vicki
North Carolina
I helped beta test the Garden Planting Calendar I sent a postcard to Randy! Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Forum moderator Region: United States of America
Purslane Garden Art Region: North Carolina Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Garden Ideas: Master Level Million Pollinator Garden Challenge
Thank you so much Lovey dubby

I used E6000 and waited 3 days before I would glue the next vase. I also used a concrete brick for weight while it dried and leveled with a torpedo level.

When it was all done, dh ran a bead of silicone on the joints.

I used Rustoleum spray paint and I think it was 2X ultra cover - or something like that.
NATIONAL GARDENING ASSOCIATION ~ Garden Art ~ Purslane & Portulaca ~
Apr 16, 2016 3:24 PM CST
Name: Karen
New Mexico (Zone 8a)
Region: New Mexico Region: Arizona Region: Ukraine Cactus and Succulents Plant Identifier Plays in the sandbox
Greenhouse Bromeliad Adeniums Morning Glories Avid Green Pages Reviewer Brugmansias
Thanks for the details. It sounds like it should hold up to the elements just fine. Great job!
Handcrafted Coastal Inspired Art SeaMosaics!
Avatar for Calsurf73
Apr 16, 2016 9:44 PM CST
Name: Mike
Long Beach, Ca.
I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Charter ATP Member Roses Hummingbirder Farmer Daylilies
Birds Cat Lover Region: California Bulbs Butterflies Garden Ideas: Level 1
Really really nice. Vic !!!
Great colors and great shape. Good job ! Hurray!
Apr 17, 2016 3:24 AM CST
Name: Vicki
North Carolina
I helped beta test the Garden Planting Calendar I sent a postcard to Randy! Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Forum moderator Region: United States of America
Purslane Garden Art Region: North Carolina Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Garden Ideas: Master Level Million Pollinator Garden Challenge
Thank you all - for your kind words Lovey dubby Thumbs up
NATIONAL GARDENING ASSOCIATION ~ Garden Art ~ Purslane & Portulaca ~
Apr 17, 2016 11:50 AM CST
Name: Rosie J
If it sparkles - I'm there!
Bookworm Dragonflies Garden Art Region: North Carolina Plays in the sandbox Deer
Don't squat with yer spurs on!

People try to turn back their "odometers." Not me. I want people to know 'why' I look this way. I've traveled a long way and some of the roads weren't paved
Apr 17, 2016 11:54 AM CST
Name: Rosie J
If it sparkles - I'm there!
Bookworm Dragonflies Garden Art Region: North Carolina Plays in the sandbox Deer
Beautiful color choice too
Don't squat with yer spurs on!

People try to turn back their "odometers." Not me. I want people to know 'why' I look this way. I've traveled a long way and some of the roads weren't paved
Apr 17, 2016 11:58 AM CST
Name: Rosie J
If it sparkles - I'm there!
Bookworm Dragonflies Garden Art Region: North Carolina Plays in the sandbox Deer
Here is an idea for a multi birdbath
Thumb of 2016-04-17/MISSINGROSIE/08204b
Don't squat with yer spurs on!

People try to turn back their "odometers." Not me. I want people to know 'why' I look this way. I've traveled a long way and some of the roads weren't paved
Apr 17, 2016 4:13 PM CST
Name: Vicki
North Carolina
I helped beta test the Garden Planting Calendar I sent a postcard to Randy! Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Forum moderator Region: United States of America
Purslane Garden Art Region: North Carolina Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Garden Ideas: Master Level Million Pollinator Garden Challenge
Thank you Rosie - Lovey dubby

LOVE that birdbath - love that color of blue too Thumbs up
NATIONAL GARDENING ASSOCIATION ~ Garden Art ~ Purslane & Portulaca ~
Apr 18, 2016 10:31 PM CST
Name: JoJo
Texas (Zone 8b)
Bee Lover Region: Texas Enjoys or suffers hot summers Plant Lover: Loves 'em all! Native Plants and Wildflowers Irises
Hibiscus Garden Art Frogs and Toads Dragonflies Dog Lover Daylilies
Love the bird baths AND the bird feeder!! nodding
Gardening is learning, learning, learning. That's the fun of them.
You're always learning !
Helen Mirren
Apr 19, 2016 10:11 AM CST
Name: Becky (Boo)
Phoenix, AZ 85022
finding joy one day at a time!
Charter ATP Member Forum moderator I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Garden Art Purslane Garden Ideas: Master Level
Region: Southwest Gardening Enjoys or suffers hot summers Region: United States of America Birds Hummingbirder Container Gardener
Vicki, I love your bird Hurray! Hurray! baths!

Easy to repaint if the elements cause fading too. Great job!!!

One reason I especially like them is they sort of resemble wood bases.
ALL THINGS PLANTS ~ Garden Art ~ Purslane & Portulaca ~
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MY WEB SITE ~ Joyful Times Today
Last edited by Boopaints Apr 19, 2016 10:12 AM Icon for preview
May 29, 2016 4:21 PM CST
Name: Diane
Atlanta, GA
Hi! I'm new here. Very glad to have found this forum. I am a glass artist of sorts, but only from recycled glass/pottery/dishes/porcelain/china etc. I only make garden art as well. I sell my items on the Internet but I also keep a great many of them as I love garden art and its intrinsic beauty.

To anyone making bird baths from recycled glass (I've made a few) or lamps, do you struggle with making the base stable enough for the bird bath to sit on unlevel ground? I have now made several bird baths (I'll attach pictures of a couple) but I've refused to sell them to anyone because I just don't feel they're stable enough. A big platter on the bottom helps but I still feel they're always going to be top heavy. Anyone have a good solution?

Here are a couple of my bird baths...

For this one, I ended up adding a large, round piece of wood, salvaged from an vintage lazy Susan, used back in the day when folks still used them. But, I still put large stones on top of the wood to ensure it does not tip over. It looks lovely in our yard, the birds love it and so do the squirrels--thinking of calling it a wildlife communal bath since the squirrels are in it more than the birds. The base is a vintage lamp.

Thumb of 2016-05-29/GardenOfWhimsy/b4b7dc

This one, I've done nothing with. It's sitting on my screened porch. The base is a vintage lamp also, it has three 'nubs' on the bottom of the base that are made into the bottom. Their original use was to keep the lamp from marring a table top. I'm unable to sand them off or remove them--the lamp base is some sort of ceramic and resin. Due to the fact they're raised nubs, I cannot glue anything on the bottom to make the base wider. Sadly, I did not notice the nubs until this was fully assembled and glued.

Thumb of 2016-05-29/GardenOfWhimsy/bf9b66

Thanks and glad to be a part of the forum!
Last edited by GardenOfWhimsy May 29, 2016 4:24 PM Icon for preview
May 29, 2016 5:51 PM CST
Name: Rosie J
If it sparkles - I'm there!
Bookworm Dragonflies Garden Art Region: North Carolina Plays in the sandbox Deer

This may or may not appeal to your aesthetic but if concerned, I would either via an L bracket or just 3 holes skip the bracket .. ..drill into the base and get long skinny stakes ( flat nail head 6 inch ) and hammer those in right into ground...moveable could even decorate the nailhead once done with a pretty vintage button or coin
Don't squat with yer spurs on!

People try to turn back their "odometers." Not me. I want people to know 'why' I look this way. I've traveled a long way and some of the roads weren't paved
May 30, 2016 8:43 AM CST
Name: Vicki
North Carolina
I helped beta test the Garden Planting Calendar I sent a postcard to Randy! Charter ATP Member I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Forum moderator Region: United States of America
Purslane Garden Art Region: North Carolina Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Garden Ideas: Master Level Million Pollinator Garden Challenge
Rosie's idea is a very good one. I like the large plate on the bottom as well.

I think dh drove a stake into the ground on the ones I made. I need to go out and look.

What I would never do, no matter how stable, is put them around concrete. It would make a mess if they fell in a windstorm.
NATIONAL GARDENING ASSOCIATION ~ Garden Art ~ Purslane & Portulaca ~
May 30, 2016 12:00 PM CST
Name: Diane
Atlanta, GA
Thank you, Rosie. The bases are not wooden, drilling them would crack or break them. This has been my challenge on these two. For glass ones, drilling is not an option either. I made a beautiful one that I sold twice and had to take back the sale as the bottom came loose from the large platter. So, I remade it and it seemed fine so I sold it again! Then as I was loading it into the person's car (it was tall and intricate), it 'snapped' and not where I glued it. I guess I torqued it somehow as I was attempting to get it into the backseat of a two door car. Sigh.

You can see it in this picture, it's the tall birdbath to the left of center.

Thumb of 2016-05-30/GardenOfWhimsy/9e2e08

This one, I've never had any worries about it toppling as it has a broad enough base on it. It's to the right of center with the floral, ceramic bath on top.

Thumb of 2016-05-30/GardenOfWhimsy/9b22b5
Last edited by GardenOfWhimsy May 30, 2016 12:01 PM Icon for preview
May 30, 2016 12:09 PM CST
Name: Rosie J
If it sparkles - I'm there!
Bookworm Dragonflies Garden Art Region: North Carolina Plays in the sandbox Deer
I thought the red metal that is why I said drill. Glass can drill but not hammer a stake...I would not at any rate.

For those, I would get a pie pan or round something ( or square - whatever ) wide enough for no topple and sit the base in it --fill with a quick dry cement and decorate the top.pottery stones...old watchfaces and beads and such..... Or paint it..
...or stain the cement ahead when mixing ..or paint it solid and add floral or frogs or similar flora / fauna later on and seal
Don't squat with yer spurs on!

People try to turn back their "odometers." Not me. I want people to know 'why' I look this way. I've traveled a long way and some of the roads weren't paved
May 30, 2016 3:26 PM CST
Name: Diane
Atlanta, GA
Thank you, I might give that a try.

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