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Avatar for Frillylily
Apr 18, 2016 9:03 AM CST
Thread OP
Missouri (Zone 6a)
Bulbs Enjoys or suffers cold winters Enjoys or suffers hot summers Ponds Peonies Region: Missouri
Lilies Keeper of Koi Irises Hydrangeas Garden Photography Cottage Gardener
I have raked up PILES of those stupid porcupine balls all over my yard. Now I have a goldfish pond and have noticed these little green flowery-pod things all in it, and have traced it to the tree. I had no idea they produced these, so now not only do I have to pick up piles of the balls, but it apparently has diarrhea for most of the spring as well Grumbling There is no way I can get rid of the tree, it is huge, so I am stuck with it. I would never recommend anyone to plant one of these. Way too much clean up. Thumbs down Plus the tree is extremely tall, and it is too close to my house, it gets way too large for small town yards. My question is, are the flowers or the balls poison to my goldfish? I have been trying to dip them out, they float, but I cannot keep them out fully.
Avatar for Frillylily
Apr 18, 2016 9:07 AM CST
Thread OP
Missouri (Zone 6a)
Bulbs Enjoys or suffers cold winters Enjoys or suffers hot summers Ponds Peonies Region: Missouri
Lilies Keeper of Koi Irises Hydrangeas Garden Photography Cottage Gardener

I did find this, but it is not for fish, but for birds. they are almost the same, right Hilarious!
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