As you probably already know, we have been in the process of doing the technical work to transition The ATP website over to the Garden.org URL and the National Gardening Association brand. Much of this work is now finished and soon I will complete the first major milestone.
It might be tomorrow, but if not, it'll be next week. When it happens, when you come to ATP you will automatically be directed over to our new home at garden.org. The site will look just pretty much the same as ATP looks, and will behave the same way. All the same features you love about ATP will be there.
Over time, we will be updating the homepage and how the information is presented on ATP. We're going to re-organize a little bit, but the features themselves will all be preserved and kept the way they are.
Now, when the launch is complete, you
probably won't have any problems. There is a chance that you will have to login again, so please make sure you know your password and/or your email address associated with your membership is accurate. You can check those things by going to your profile (click the person icon on the top left of the site.)