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Apr 23, 2016 10:44 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: Larry
Enterprise, Al. 36330 (Zone 8b)
Composter Daylilies Garden Photography Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Garden Ideas: Master Level Plant Identifier
Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Region: Alabama
I thought I should start a new thread with this so it would not take away from the April Blooms thread.
Buddy's Gloria is showing some strange bud and bloom behavior and I am trying to figure out the what and why of it.
Here is a photo of the problem:
Buddy's Gloria: 04-22-16
Thumb of 2016-04-23/Seedfork/4956dc
Here it is today: 04-23-16, I can see what to me looks like two proliferations developing next to the buds. I am wondering if that could be either part of the problem, or a symptom of the problem.
Thumb of 2016-04-23/Seedfork/9a3b41
Apr 23, 2016 4:49 PM CST
Name: shirlee
southeast (Zone 6b)
Daylilies Hybridizer Seed Starter Pollen collector Garden Photography Garden Ideas: Level 1
Butterflies Birds Dragonflies Canning and food preservation Herbs Vegetable Grower
I had one that had malformed buds each year on the initial buds. I believe it was Spectral Elegance.
Once the nights warmed up normal buds appeared, so I pulled off the malformed
buds and waited. You probably have warm nights though, so not likely the cause.

As for the possible prolifs near the buds, haven't seen that before.
Apr 23, 2016 5:32 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Larry
Enterprise, Al. 36330 (Zone 8b)
Composter Daylilies Garden Photography Million Pollinator Garden Challenge Garden Ideas: Master Level Plant Identifier
Celebrating Gardening: 2015 Region: Alabama
We did have cool nights (for us ) while these buds were forming. I looked the best I could for thrips and could not find any.
Apr 23, 2016 7:15 PM CST
Name: Sue
Ontario, Canada (Zone 4b)
Annuals Native Plants and Wildflowers Keeps Horses Dog Lover Daylilies Region: Canadian
Butterflies Birds Enjoys or suffers cold winters Garden Sages Plant Identifier
Thrips are very secretive. If you can, hold a sheet of white printer paper under the buds and tap them as hard as you can without doing damage, see if any fall out onto the paper. It's easier if the scape is off the plant so you can tap it on the paper but I'm assuming you won't want to do that Whistling

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