Avatar for VEGAS702
May 10, 2016 2:59 PM CST
Thread OP
Las Vegas, NV (Zone 9a)
Hello guys, I recently bought two Chilean mesquites 15Gal about 3 weeks ago. One seems to be doing well while the other has dried up leaves that are all coming off. I dug and planted in wide and deep hole mixed miracle organic soil with semi clay like native soil. I have been watering a few times per week and we have recently had some thunderstorms. What could be going on with my Chilean? I don't want to loose it. I paid around 55$ please help with any suggestions. Thank you much!

Thumb of 2016-05-10/VEGAS702/0d8863
Thumb of 2016-05-10/VEGAS702/29cf4d
Last edited by VEGAS702 May 10, 2016 3:04 PM Icon for preview
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