Time to think about dividing the tall beaded Iris. Most likely will get it done in mid to late July. The following are the ones I will be dividing. I will ship a box of them for $35. No charge for postage. Plan to ship buy regular mail not priority. If you want Priority please add $10 to total. Will add photos later.
The box will include 1-3 fans each of the following:
Limited to 5 boxes for now. Let me know if there are any you do not want on the list and I will try to find something else to substitute. All these have grown well in my zone 5 garden for a number of years.
The 5th box is sold. I will leave the ad up for a few days. I need to check a few that I might have limited amounts of, but know I have enough of most for a couple more boxes. If I run out of stomething I will let the late comers know what other ones I might have.
Thanks for all your support. I was able to send a nice order to Mid-America Gardens to fill in the spaces I will have opened. In a ew more years those will be ready to divide too. Iris are wonderful!
Got my box and I am soooooo happy!
A box full ( and I mean full) of great iris and several bonus dwarf varieties.
Now it is time to pot all these up till it cools off a little.
Sorry. Sold out for the year, but will have more next year. Ended up shipping out 14 big boxes plus gave some to 4 friends here in town. Was nice to get some of mine thinned out. Actually got rid of all of a few of them so have a little room for the ones I traded for and some new ones coming from Mid-America this week. If anyone has any bloom that don't look right, please let me know. Its' so easy to ID iris when they are blooming and so hard by the time they are ready to divide. I think some of the ones I sent marked Trans Orange may end up being a Coral NOID. Sorry.
@stilldew I got all my Iris planted. I put them all in my raised beds for this year until I get my other areas ready for them to be permanently. I can't wait to see new fans growing so that I know they made it. Hopefully, I can get some of them planted into permanent places yet is summer so they will have time to get a good root system before winter. Thanks again Susan.
Glad you found places for them. I just received a box today and have more on the way. Some of mine may end up in temporary beds too. Always exciting to see new ones bloom.