Message from Mesa Garden about Orostchys You will find Orostachys about 1/3 way down on the page.
I have all kinds but they are not ready to ship until spring. In the winter when it is super cold they curl into a pea sized body. When spring they open up and will take on water. Try for April and see how they are doing.
Steven Brack, Mesa Garden
Here is a list of what he might have, maybe in April.
Orostachys, /1,6,10,17/ compact rosettes, rock garden type
2703-aggregatus /18/ wide leaf, wagon wheel rosette $3.00
2705-boehmeri small light grey rosette $3.00
2714-fimbriatus /18/ Soochow, China, dark pink-red leaves $3.00
2720-iwarenge /18/ large powdery blue rosettes $3.00
2730-malacophyllus /18/ medium sized green rosette, clusters $3.00
2769-spinosus leaf tip with spiny white tip $3.25
2769.4-spinosus Semipalatinsk, Kazachstan, large rosettes $3.00
He has many very interesting plants and seeds available. Home page.