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May 21, 2016 11:37 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Wes
Ohio (Zone 6a)
Anyone else growing these?:

Couldn't resist a solid red in the seed stand, just curious if other colors sneak in? The ATP/NGA post is curiously similar in realistic Zinnia height at 30-40" vs. the seed packet height of 24" (even dwarf varieties go 3' for me when I've tried them for front borders. Shear 'em at 6-8" and they do bloom short and bushy, lol).

Kinda disappointed to see such small bloom size but then again if they're leggy they'll be good fillers for summer arrangements with height and I'm sure display in the garden will be just fine...Doubles are second favorite to cactus varieties and strong reds a high priority for me. Hope it excites, Burpee promises "Impressive Prolific Bloomer". LOL, I've never met a Zinnia that wasn't! Sticking tongue out

Only one posted photo on the site. I'll add some with observations as they come around. Weather permitting, I'll sow some seeds later today...
Avatar for ZenMan
May 22, 2016 9:33 AM CST
Name: ZenMan
Kansas (Zone 5b)
Kansas 5b
Annuals Enjoys or suffers cold winters Region: United States of America Seed Starter Keeper of Poultry Hybridizer
Hummingbirder Dragonflies Garden Photography Butterflies Zinnias Garden Ideas: Level 2
Wes said:...Burpee promises "Impressive Prolific Bloomer".

Hi Wes,
Oklahoma is an improved form of the old "Cut and Come Again" strain. Oklahoma was developed by the respected German seed company Benary. The strain won some prizes when it was first introduced. Like its predecessor (Cut-and-Come-Again), it's plant habit is very branched and tends not to be "leggy". I grew the white variety of the strain and, for a cut flower, I thought its stems were a bit short. But I grew them in an uncrowded situation, so there wasn't any pressure on them to become "leggy". As you say, its blooms aren't large. My Oklahomas came from Johnny's Selected Seed, and I can't comment on those from Burpee.
Wes said:Only one posted photo on the site. I'll add some with observations as they come around.

We will be looking forward to your pictures of red Oklahomas, and your further comments.

I tip my hat to you.
May 22, 2016 10:52 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: Wes
Ohio (Zone 6a)
ZenMan said:
Hi Wes,
Oklahoma is an improved form of the old "Cut and Come Again" strain. Oklahoma was developed by the respected German seed company Benary. The strain won some prizes when it was first introduced. Like its predecessor (Cut-and-Come-Again), it's plant habit is very branched and tends not to be "leggy". I grew the white variety of the strain and, for a cut flower, I thought its stems were a bit short. But I grew them in an uncrowded situation, so there wasn't any pressure on them to become "leggy". As you say, its blooms aren't large. My Oklahomas came from Johnny's Selected Seed, and I can't comment on those from Burpee.

We will be looking forward to your pictures of red Oklahomas, and your further comments.

I tip my hat to you.

Cool, thanks for the input! Thank You!

I'll try them in a few spots to see how they compare to one another and other zinnia varieties. Again, couldn't resist the packaging...
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