I recently planted some Pilea peperomioides seeds. They sprouted fast (about 3 days) and appeared to be doing well. Then I noticed these tiny things moving in the soil. Upon closer examination, there they were, theses tiny green bugs. I'm a novice and can't imagine where they came from or if they were dangerous and would invade my other plants, so I put them outside on the porch. Heartbroken, I decided to start from scratch. Three days later 2 more seedlings sprouted. Oh, and the first one that was isolated on the porch for a week where I thought it would surely die ( in chilly New York weather) is still alive and well, bugs and all. By the way they were all started in Miracle Grow Moisture Mix Potting soil I bought at the Home Depot.
I would appreciate it if someone could please help me get rid of the bugs.Any help at all is appreciated.