This is what I know from reading and from experience, and it is only my opinion.
I think the key for most blooming plants is that when you want growth, such as newly germinated or bought seedlings, you want a balanced fertilizer, not necessarily one with high nitrogen though. High "N" is great for greening up lawns and in agricultural settings though. When you want to have your plants switch from simply growing good, strong green stems/leaves, to producing flowers, you would want to reduce the nitrogen, perhaps a formula something like 5-10-5. Notice the middle number ("P") is high, not necessarily the last number though ("K"). Potassium is necessary for strong cell development and root development, and thus would be higher for a fertilizer used for fall or even winter application. I don't agree with that "K" recommendation, unless adeniums have completely different needs than the vast majority of plants. It would not hurt to have a formula like 5-10-10, but the key is the middle number, not the last.
There are adenium growers way more expert than I that can chime in with more reliable information.