I agree! There are lots of "lending seed libraries" popping up. The links in my signature block don't have very good lists any more, but here is one:
And you can frequently trade saved seeds here at NGA.
(The blue, far-left menu bar option "Seed Swaps" takes you here:
and someone I know is running another swap (international, "all seeds" (Trading Begins: September 3)
and here's an "in-person swap": Mid-Atlantic swap (Trading Begins: August 20, 2016): in Silver Spring, MD.
I guess it's an individual thing whether you would rather trade seeds (and get back a rich variety), or give them away and just feel generous (after the plants did the hard part!)
If you don't know the exact name or any name, a photo plus description are probably more use to many people anyway.
Or post a photo to our "Plant ID" forum and get the common and Latin names.
Here is a great, short, somewhat technical PDF about collecting and saving seeds and storing them for long periods:
Here's a longer one, 37 half-pages, practical rather than technical, oriented towards crops rather than flowers, that explains which crops are easy to save from, or a little less easy, and how.
They can be printed double-sided and then folded into 8.5" X 5.5" pamphlets.
Save seeds! Protect bio-diversity!