Hi everyone,
I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to ask for help, please let me know if there's a better forum. I have some browning flowers on my strawberry plant and can't figure out what is wrong. I also recently started spraying with Dr. Earth Pure and Natural Insect
My only hypothesis is the Dr. Earth spray (although it states it is safe), or maybe they got wet when I was watering, as there seems to be more brown ones near the area I usually add water. The plant has been on a bi-weekly liquid based grow fertlizer and I recently switched to a bloom fertilizer.
I also had a situation where earlier in the month, the plant produced some very stunted and small berries, and I cut them off. It took several weeks for it to begin producing new berries and now there are quite a few new flowers coming out. I also have 8 daughter plants off the mother, that are all producing flowers, none of which have turned brown yet.
I'm happy to answer any more questions if I haven't provided enough information.
Thanks for any help.