Name: Carol Roberts Huntington Beach, CA (Zone 10b) Sunset 24
I don't know why there's two of the same shot, but we'll all just have to live with it. Now I want to get more stuff for the back yard. Fall is when we plant spring blooming stuff, right?
Can't complain too loud about how the ball bounces when I'm the one who dropped it.
Name: Carol Roberts Huntington Beach, CA (Zone 10b) Sunset 24
I can go on Mondays and Thursdays, but most of them are gaggled up with doctors, labs and whathave you this month. Could you wait until the last week of August? After the 24th I'm apparently free as little birdy. And I will have new money. But you can't both drive and buy lunch I'll buy lunch.
Can't complain too loud about how the ball bounces when I'm the one who dropped it.
Name: Carol Roberts Huntington Beach, CA (Zone 10b) Sunset 24
That's for sure. I've got to find the time to stock up on supplies - I'm almost out of everything from potting mix to ferts to pots. I usually check at least once a week, but lately they've been predicting highs in the mid-70s and that's about 20* cooler than the reality. I put a thermometer out in the full sun area and keep forgetting to check it because its too hot to go out there. I managed to cut back the white sage. Having produced its little white flowers it immediately started looking dead, which I knew it would beforehand and I just couldn't stand it anymore.
Can't complain too loud about how the ball bounces when I'm the one who dropped it.
Name: Carol Santa Ana, ca Sunset zone 22, USDA zone 10 A.
That's my problem with the Salvias too. I have some that bloom off and on all year, but they look terrible between bloom cycles...and still need lots of water.
The salvia atrocyanea again...yeah, I know, but I love the blooms of this plant.....the plant itself ctually gets larger / taller than I knew it would and it's shooting up this year
NOID Panicle Hydrangea...not sure how I feel about this one, not fond of the yellowish color of new blooms, but when the green shrubs surrounding it are mature, it will be okay...
Don't know about these, got the seeds from a friend, who got them in trade as "special white and gray hybrid verbascum" far they look like common mullein, which I like so no problem, but am wondering...
I could be wrong...
"maybe I should have kept my mouth shut....."
The Urge for Seeds is Strong in This One.....
I tried the caryopteris once in Fallbrook and it did not do well there, dunno why...I've not grown Panicle Hydrangeas before...they were both given to me and I think I have a couple more panicle hydrangeas out there to get into the ground. I received a bunch of stuff from my friend that I was not familiar with, it's fun!
I could be wrong...
"maybe I should have kept my mouth shut....."
The Urge for Seeds is Strong in This One.....
Name: Carol Santa Ana, ca Sunset zone 22, USDA zone 10 A.
I bought a Caryopteris at the Plant Depot down there, years ago. The bees sure loved it, but it didn't make it here. I might try one again, if I found one locally for a reasonable price. I imagine that PD gets more winter chill that the one in Capo.
I posted this pic as libertia...well,'s not.
It's come up in a small clump of libertia, but has to be a seedling dierama...first I have in white also...wonder if I have other dierama seedlings in other clumps of also is apparently not a large enough corm to extend its height fully...
I could be wrong...
"maybe I should have kept my mouth shut....."
The Urge for Seeds is Strong in This One.....
Name: Carol Roberts Huntington Beach, CA (Zone 10b) Sunset 24
My poor spindly buddleja lindleyana is blooming, for heaven's sake. I guess I haven't killed it ... yet.
And my non-blooming coleus - the only one I like out of the whole bunch of them, is apparently recovered from last year's caterpiller attack. Must make sure I'm prepared for this year's attack.
And a question. This is the dying back gladiolus atom. Can I cut away the all yellow stuff or do i have to wait for the last of the green stuff to go? TIA
Can't complain too loud about how the ball bounces when I'm the one who dropped it.
The buddleja lindleyana will look rather becomes a rather weeping fountain.....and I wouldn't think that it will do much of that in a container. In the ground it will reach7-8 ft or more and the lower branches be trimmed to form a fountain-like....
I could be wrong...
"maybe I should have kept my mouth shut....."
The Urge for Seeds is Strong in This One.....
Name: Carol Roberts Huntington Beach, CA (Zone 10b) Sunset 24
Hmmm... they might have them here too. Need to go there anyway, altho its my least favorite place to be. I usually just load up my on-line cart until I hit the free delivery $ and then order everything at once. But for the plants...
Can't complain too loud about how the ball bounces when I'm the one who dropped it.