'Insider Trading' did very well this year (now that the deer aren't around to eat it). It didn't rebloom, but I made several crosses on it and it is loaded with pods. (I didn't dare re-fertilize it, given the rot problems I am having this year with some of the seedlings.)
'Black Falcon Ritual' (or possibly a seedling thereof) also did very well (it is shaded by a deciduous oak and redbud), but it might be too tall to grow up against a house wall.
Both of these, per my record keeping methodology (I record if a daylily was in bloom by quarter months) were in bloom for a little over a month.
'Pacific Shamrock' was nice in filtered shade in my brick patio nursery/potting area... but it had a LOT of shade, way less than half a day's worth of sun, so I only had about 3 weeks of bloom from it.
Much of my garden gets a lot of shade, so if I want more than a few daylilies, I have no choice but to grow many in part shade. I take whatever blooms I can get, but some cultivars do perform better than others in those conditions, and the more shade, the less bloom you get, and you should be grateful for any rebloom.