Aug 28, 2016 2:20 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Ken Ramsey
Vero Beach, FL (Zone 10a)
Bromeliad Vegetable Grower Region: United States of America Tropicals Plumerias Orchids
Region: Mississippi Master Gardener: Mississippi Hummingbirder Cat Lover Composter Seller of Garden Stuff
I have two versions of the Desert Rose, single-stemmed and a multi-stemmed plants. The single-stem may be in the process of growing branches, but unless there are well-formed branches present, they stay in the single-stem category. Three of my plants have bloomed and all the blooms have been similar. That's no guarantee that those yet to bloom will be the same, but they probably will. These plants average 16-18" tall, have fat caudices, and are well-rooted. Single-stemmed plants are priced at $12, and multi-stemmed plants are priced at $14. T-Mail me if you have interest.

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drdawg (Dr. Kenneth Ramsey)

The reason it's so hard to lose weight when you get up in age is because your body and your fat have become good friends.
Aug 29, 2016 6:44 AM CST
Name: Susan B
East Tennessee (Zone 6b)
Charter ATP Member
Nice looking plants!
Avatar for Deebie
Aug 29, 2016 8:07 PM CST
Name: Deborah
midstate South Carolina (Zone 8a)
Don't Sweat the Small Stuff!
Charter ATP Member Amaryllis Tropicals Plant and/or Seed Trader Seed Starter Plumerias
Plant Identifier Peonies Lilies Irises Hummingbirder Echinacea
Hurray! Hurray! I agree Good growing, Ken! nodding
Aug 29, 2016 8:21 PM CST
Thread OP
Name: Ken Ramsey
Vero Beach, FL (Zone 10a)
Bromeliad Vegetable Grower Region: United States of America Tropicals Plumerias Orchids
Region: Mississippi Master Gardener: Mississippi Hummingbirder Cat Lover Composter Seller of Garden Stuff
Thank you, all. These plants just seem to grow themselves. I am simply the "nurse" to help them along.
drdawg (Dr. Kenneth Ramsey)

The reason it's so hard to lose weight when you get up in age is because your body and your fat have become good friends.
Aug 30, 2016 9:16 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: Ken Ramsey
Vero Beach, FL (Zone 10a)
Bromeliad Vegetable Grower Region: United States of America Tropicals Plumerias Orchids
Region: Mississippi Master Gardener: Mississippi Hummingbirder Cat Lover Composter Seller of Garden Stuff
@weedwhacker, your two Desert Rose plants are on their way. You are going to love them. nodding
drdawg (Dr. Kenneth Ramsey)

The reason it's so hard to lose weight when you get up in age is because your body and your fat have become good friends.
Aug 30, 2016 12:41 PM CST
Name: Ibis
Florida, Orlando-ish (Zone 9b)
Region: Florida Tropicals Bromeliad Orchids Container Gardener Foliage Fan
Dog Lover Birds
Ken, are these the ones you grew from seed? They look great!
Aug 30, 2016 10:02 PM CST
Name: Sandy B.
Ford River Twp, Michigan UP (Zone 4b)
(Zone 4b-maybe 5a)
Charter ATP Member Bee Lover Butterflies Birds I was one of the first 300 contributors to the plant database! Million Pollinator Garden Challenge
Seed Starter Vegetable Grower Greenhouse Region: United States of America Region: Michigan Enjoys or suffers cold winters
Ken, what size pot do you recommend for the plants you're sending me? (I'd like to keep them smaller rather than larger, if that's a possibility)
“Think occasionally of the suffering of which you spare yourself the sight." ~ Albert Schweitzer
C/F temp conversion
Aug 31, 2016 6:26 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: Ken Ramsey
Vero Beach, FL (Zone 10a)
Bromeliad Vegetable Grower Region: United States of America Tropicals Plumerias Orchids
Region: Mississippi Master Gardener: Mississippi Hummingbirder Cat Lover Composter Seller of Garden Stuff
They were growing in 1 gal. nursery pots (which are about 3/4 gal). These pots are about 8" wide and 10" deep. Since the obesum has such a large/long root system, my plants seem to grow better in deep rather than shallow pots.
drdawg (Dr. Kenneth Ramsey)

The reason it's so hard to lose weight when you get up in age is because your body and your fat have become good friends.
Aug 31, 2016 6:31 AM CST
Thread OP
Name: Ken Ramsey
Vero Beach, FL (Zone 10a)
Bromeliad Vegetable Grower Region: United States of America Tropicals Plumerias Orchids
Region: Mississippi Master Gardener: Mississippi Hummingbirder Cat Lover Composter Seller of Garden Stuff
Thank You! Yes, Ibis, these are the 17 plants grown from seed (now down to 14). These are the first and the only adeniums I have ever grown. They have been fun to watch as they progressed from tiny seedlings to nice size plants (can I call the plants "handsome"?). My "Green Giant" is now over 30" tall and just loaded with flowers/buds. It is finally starting to branch.
drdawg (Dr. Kenneth Ramsey)

The reason it's so hard to lose weight when you get up in age is because your body and your fat have become good friends.
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