Hi Elton. Welcome to NGA!
I realize this suggestion comes too late for you to join a current swap. But, for future swaps, you might consider trying what I often do.
When I go through seed catalogs or seed websites, I keep an eye open for good deals on largish packets.
Very often I see things I would like to try. Some of those, I think plenty of others would like try (from a seed swap).
So I get a big packet and split it up 5-10 ways. If I buy an ounce of something (sometimes as low as $4 to $7 in a year-end sale), I might make up to 10-30 packets depending on how big the seeds are and how good the "deal" was.
Often a small packet of seeds from an online vendor will be say, $2.50 even before shipping & handling. A bigger packet probably has 5 times as much seed for $5, so they are 2-3 times cheaper per seed.
And if a seed swap gives me an excuse to buy three or more splittable packets, the cost of S&H in effect is 1/3rd of what it was!
(Or am I rationalizing?)
Anyway, buying one or two biggish packet(s) of seeds and splitting/labeling in Zip-Locs lets you join some seed swaps where dozens to hundreds of things are listed in "sample sizes". Now you're likely to bring home dozens to hundreds of small packets of things for the cost of round-trip postage (2 x $5-7).
I think that many swaps are open to new members who bring home more than they brought to the swap, expecting that many of them will come back next year offering a wider variety of seeds.
I think that all seed savers "cash in on" nature's bounty, and those who collect, label, clean, dry, save and swap those miracles should properly be called "seed angels".