Teresa - Ooooh! I love the Hemchat link! How cool!!!!
Since there are no daylily clubs near me (2+ hours away is the closest one), this gives me a chance to be part of kind of a club! How awesome! THANK YOU!!!!
I sure wish NGA would do something like that here for all it's members to get guest speakers for a chat and even add interview videos from hybridizers to this site. (We could submit questions in advance for the hybridizer to answer in a video. Most cameras now offer the video option. It doesn't have to be professionally done. Just a tripod and camera.) That would be the ultimate for me! They could even do a daylily raffle for only members who attend each chat session just like a real daylily club meeting. There are many of us that do not have Daylily Clubs near us. Such a feature would expand our connection to Daylily hybridizers and other gardeners.
I can dream .....