Many gardeners hate morning glories, thinking they are invasive and can take over the garden, especially purpureas. They can be troublesome if not controlled, but it's easy to keep them from getting out of control.
Name: Becky (Boo) Phoenix, AZ 85022 finding joy one day at a time!
Great article . . . I love all MG's.
A friend gave me Blue Dawn once and warned they ould be invasive and they were. The blooms and leaves were huge! But I love them and love a freestyle garden so MG's work well for me.
I love your photos, especially the blue spotted, two-tone, and striped.
I had morning glories once (they died off and I forgot) but what better welcome to the morning than seeing their cheerful faces with morning coffee or whatever you drink. I will plant some next spring and thanks for the beautiful pictures!