@Carsten_DK Always love to see another morning glory fan!
I know
@Gerris2 grows Ipomoea albivenia and had said the flowers are fragrant. I have one but it hasn't flowered for me yet.
Here is a list of some that are supposed to be fragrant but I can't verify it as I've never grown them Just saved the info from another site for reference. I hope it helps. Some are readily available others not so much!
Convolvulus libanoticus
Dicranostyles costanensis
Dinetus species
Erycibe fragrans
Ipomoea albivenia
Ipomoea bahiensis
Ipomoea cyanantha
Ipomoea graveolens (Rojas)
Ipomoea jicama - (syn.Ipomoea odorata)
Ipomoea lindheimeri - variously scented
Ipomoea rubens (syn.I.fragrans)
Ipomoea suaveolens
Ipomoea tastensis
Ipomoea villosa
Merremia macrocalyx
Merremia similis
Rivea hypocrateriformis - (synonym Rivea fragrans)
Turbina corymbosa - variously scented or fragrant
Porana species
Poranopsis species