Here's a list of the tree seeds I have. If you are interested in any let me know, there are enough in the packets to share. I received them 2 years ago so they are 3+ years old. Some could be really old, but hey, you never know what's going to germinate.
Manihot esculenta (tapioca tree), Tabehuia rosea (pink tacoma), Hrachychiton ascerifolius (flame tree),
Metasequoia (dawn redwood), Tulip poplar, Japanese maple "bloodgood", African tree wisteria, Orange mimosa,
Acer camperstre, Locust tree, Cresentia cujete (calabash tree), Chilosis linearis (desert willow), Mimosa "pink",
Cassia fistula (golden shower tree), Acacia caven (tree from Chile), Dalbergia retusa (cocobola rosewood),
Laburnum waterii (golden chain tree), Laburnum anagyruides (golden chain tree), Crinodendron patagua (chilean lantern tree),
Melicytus ramiflorus (seaside mahoe tree), Averhoa bilimbi (cucumber tree), Entelea arborsecens (corkwood tree),
Entorolobium cyclocarpum (monkey ear tree), Berkeley tree (2"pale hibiscus flower), Cassia, Bauhinia purpurea,
Bauhinia rufescens, Bauhinia (yellow flowering).
That's just the trees, LOL, monkey ear tree?
I didn't know moonflower would overwinter, I may have to grow one. I did get a "flame tree" seedling going and I put it in the ground. It could make it if I cover it in a freeze, on second thought maybe I'll dig it up and pot it. Let me know if you want any of these, I'll never use all of them.