Fashion Rings was a bonus from my Maryott's order in September 2015, so this was the first year blooming in my garden. It did as well as expected for a first year plant and I know it will get taller.
As a 2014 registration and new to my garden, it is difficult to give a good evaluation, but it had the two way branching as listed in the database. I didn't get near the bud count of 21-25, but expect that to improve. The colors are vivid and it has a nice wide red edge.
First bloom was on 6-10-16 and that scape put up about 8-10 blooms until the end of June. Then another scape started blooming on 7-26-16 and it bloomed until 8-6-16. So it does rebloom. Will have to see if I get rebloom next year.
No rust observed, but I believe Maryott's had a rust spraying program, so that probably protected it this year. Hopefully, it is not prone to rust anyway.
We had a mild winter 2015-2016 here in zone 6b, so as an evergreen, it survived. It will be interesting to see how the evergreen daylilies do after the winter of 2016-2017. We've already been plunged into a deep freeze and I'm not sure when we will come out of it.
Fashion Rings 6-20-16