Good morning
@Jai . There's never a dumb/stupid question... especially when it comes to garden stuff. There are only questions that we either don't have the answer to yet, or, the answer was pushed out of our over-crowded brains to make room for more stuff!
Unfortunately, I have zero luck growing tomatoes, but the grocery stores in the area have a pretty good selection. If you're going to be making tomato sauce, then you really do want the Italian/Roma/Plum varieties. They are very 'meaty' with a low moisture content. Honestly, I use them for just about everything because of the low moisture. They don't water down a salad or making the sandwich soggy.
If you want special textures/colors/flavors, I would focus on the heirloom varieties. If you go that route, try to get 'real' heirloom seed and not a re-introduced variety that has been messed around with to the point of no flavor. What good is a 'pretty' tomato slice if it has no flavor? In fact, depending on how often you want to use the fancy varieties, you might be better off buying the fruits at a specialty grocer rather that going through the hassle of growing them yourself.
If you're looking for sandwich-types, then yes, beefsteaks are your best bet. Firm, meaty flesh with great flavor. (Resist the temptation to take the salt shaker with you when you go to pick your tomatoes. Otherwise, you may end up with more in your belly than basket!
On a side note, I tend to buy my tomatoes at Asian/Latino markets more than store like Safeway/Giant, etc. The ethnic markets have much lower prices and a higher turnover.