I am trying to get the name of a tree i saw a couple times years ago. I took a photo of it but lost the photo so i can only go by my memory of it.
It is an evergreen with branches that curve upward.
The branches are widely spaced apart. So it does not look bushy.
It is very clean looking, as if it were made of plastic.
I dont recall ever seeing cones on it or around it, but i never looked for them.
It seems to be an uncommon tree since i have only seen two of them ever. One of them was in a front yard in my city, but the owner took the tree out so i cant go back and take a picture of it again. The second one i saw, i was out of town but i don't remember where I was at the time, so i can't go back there either.
I have tried googling evergreen trees, but none of the one pictured match the one i want to find.