I bought a coral bells last spring with beautiful bronze leaves with maroon undersides, and planted it in a container. It wasn't long before all the leaves turned green, and it never flowered. I tried to keep it in morning sun/afternoon shade. I have since read that they want that, that they want full shade, and that they want full sun. ?? The new growth this year started out bronze and maroon, but it's already starting to turn green. Right now I have it in full shade - I transitioned it from full sun to shade over about a week.
Any ideas on why it's losing its leaf color, and how much sun it actually needs? My garden faces southwest, and it gets really hot here. In the summer I water it daily - it drains well.
Here's a really bad picture - I'm not much of a photographer. :(
I just remembered that last summer I had it in full sun, per care instructions. And we haven't had a day yet over 72', so it could probably go back in the sun for now?